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#201 : Contrecoup

Tony se remet lentement de l'accident survenu dans le dernier épisode de la saison précédente. Sid et Michelle ne viennent pas voir Tony. C'est donc Maxxie qui s'occupe de Tony. Mais le jeune homme a aussi ses propres problèmes. Il veut désespérément quitter le collège et suivre son rêve pour devenir un danseur, mais son père Walter, n'est pas d'accord. Tony veut lui retourner au lycée, mais ses parents ne sont pas d'accord. Maxxie veut abandonner les études tandis que Tony ne songe qu'à les reprendre, les deux amis vont devoir s'aider. Maxxie a aussi des ennuis avec un groupe de garçons qui se moque de son orientation homosexuelle, mais il a également l'impression que quelqu'un d'autre s'interesse à lui...

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4.25 - 4 votes

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Tony and Maxxie

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Extrait - Maxxie's Dad Dance

Extrait - Maxxie's Dad Dance


Extrait (VO): Maxxie Church Dance Routine

Extrait (VO): Maxxie Church Dance Routine


Extrait (VO): Homo Tease

Extrait (VO): Homo Tease


Extrait (VO): Effy on the toilet

Extrait (VO): Effy on the toilet


Extrait (VO): Dale and Maxxie kiss

Extrait (VO): Dale and Maxxie kiss


Extrait (VO): Cassie's dance on the video

Extrait (VO): Cassie's dance on the video


Extrait (VO): Tony gets dirty joke

Extrait (VO): Tony gets dirty joke


Photos promo

Maxxie danse sur le toit de son immeuble

Maxxie danse sur le toit de son immeuble

Maxxie danse sur le toit de son immeuble

Maxxie danse sur le toit de son immeuble

Maxxie se sent observé

Maxxie se sent observé

Maxxie et son père

Maxxie et son père

Le jeune Maxxie Oliver

Le jeune Maxxie Oliver

Maxxie danse sur le toit de son immeuble

Maxxie danse sur le toit de son immeuble


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France (inédit)
Jeudi 21.05.2009 à 00:00

Logo de la chaîne E4

Grande-Bretagne (inédit)
Lundi 11.02.2008 à 00:00

Plus de détails

Ecrit par: Bryan Elsley
Réalisé par: Aysha Rafaele

Une fille qui a des photos de Maxxie accrochée partout dans sa chambre, l’observe par la fenêtre. Elle le prend en photo alors qu’il passe en vélo. Maxxie s’arrête et essaye de voir d’où provient le flash. La fille aide sa mère, infirme, à aller aux toilettes.

Maxxie chante une chanson et elle chante avec lui. A la fin de la chanson, Maxxie embrasse Michelle sa partenaire pour une comédie musicale de l’école. La fille, Lucy, les observent d’en haut car elle s’occupe des projecteurs. Bruce, le réalisateur du projet les engueulent et leur dit que leur travail n’est pas bon. Il embrasse Michelle « pour donner l’exemple ». Michelle lance un regard à Tony qui les observent dans un coin. Maxxie et Michelle recommencent à chanter la chanson. Lucy lâche le projecteur qu’elle tenait et il tombe presque sur Michelle et Maxxie.

Sid, Anwar et Maxxie sont au casier de ce dernier. Il découvre un cadeau que lui a fait Lucy sans savoir qu’il est d’elle. Ce n’est pas la première fois qu’il reçoit un cadeau dans son casier. Lucy les observe cachée dans le casier d’à côté. Elle sort du casier et découvre son cadeau à la poubelle.

Toute la bande va à une fête déguisé en héros de film. Lucy les suit. Michelle est déguisée en princesse Leia de Star Wars. Lorsqu’elle arrive à la fête, elle voit Tony déguisé en Luke et Abby déguisée elle aussi en Leia.

Bruce écrit un nouveau scénario et Lucy arrive. Elle lui demande le rôle de Michelle. Il lui rit au nez.

Anwar et Maxxie sont dans la chambre de Bruce. Ils discutent et Maxxie donne une note de 5/10 à Anwar.

Michelle observe Abby et Tony. Elle invite Bruce à danser pour rendre Tony jaloux. Maxxie cherche une fille pour Anwar. Il choisit Lucy et va la voir. Elle croit qu’il vient pour l’inviter à danser, mais il demande à ce qu’elle danse avec Anwar. Elle s’enfuit.

Lucy se cache sous un meuble et se prend une bière. Michelle et Tony entre sans voir Lucy. Ils discutent d’Abby. Michelle lui demande alors ce qu’il lui a dit juste avant l’accident, mais il a oublié. Elle l’embrasse. Tony s’en va. Michelle découvre alors Lucy. Elle lui propose une bière et Michelle boit.

Lucy va chez Maxxie et force la porte. Lorsque le père de Maxxie arrive, elle se cache dans la première pièce venue et découvre la chambre de Maxxie. Elle fouille dans ses affaires, émerveillée. Elle met ses habits et s’allonge sur son lit. Elle se cache sous le lit quand Maxxie entre. Il se déshabille et se couche nu.

Le jour se lève, Maxxie s’habille et Lucy est toujours sous son lit en train de l’observer. Maxxie découvre alors la pince de Lucy qu’elle avait perdue.

Lucy entre chez elle. Sa mère l’appelle. Elle aide sa mère à se coucher sur son lit et lui donne ses médicaments. Sa mère croit que Lucy sort avec Maxxie et Lucy dit à sa mère qu’elle doit lui avouer un truc.

Lucy est chez le CPE et lui raconte que Bruce lui a fait des avances et l’a embrassé. Bruce doit alors quitter le lycée entouré de policiers. Il voit Lucy qui l’observe.

Tony, Anwar et Chris discute de cet épisode dans la cour. Michelle va voir Lucy et lui demande si ce qu’elle a dit est vrai. Michelle essaie alors de la réconforter. Michelle lui propose de venir s’asseoir avec eux. Elle accepte. Tony part quand il voit arriver Michelle. Anwar essaie de draguer Lucy.

Maxxie regarde Lucy de loin. Il a la pince de celle-ci entre les mains. Il découvre aussi l’appareil photo dans son sac. Il comprend alors.

Maxxie est devant les appartements et cherche une fenêtre sans rideau. Il la trouve et appelle à l’interphone, énervé. C’est la mère de Lucy qui répond et qui demande à Maxxie si c’est lui qui sort avec Lucy. Lucy et sa mère se dispute parce qu’elle a répondu à l’interphone. La mère de Lucy comprend qu’elle a aussi mentit à propos de Bruce et essaie d’appeler quelqu’un. Lucy la traite de « sale infirme ». Elle jète le téléphone par terre et attache sa mère au lit pour pas qu’elle ne « foute la vie de Lucy en l’air ». Lucy part en emportant les médicaments de sa mère.

Michelle répète une chanson pour la comédie musicale. Tony l’observe. Michelle lui sourit. Lucy observe Maxxie à travers sa fenêtre. Maxxie ferme ses stores pour qu’elle arrête de le regarder.

C’est le jour de la représentation de la comédie musicale. Lucy aide Michelle à se préparer, elles discutent. Lucy lui propose les médicaments de sa mère pour l’aider à déstresser, mais elle lui donne exprès une dose trop importante. Michelle vomit aux toilettes. Le CPE veut annuler la représentation, mais Lucy lui dit qu’elle connaît les paroles. Le CPE accepte.

Dans la salle, Abby s’asseoit à côté de Tony alors qu’il lui dit que la place est prise. Le spectacle commence. Maxxie chante et voit Lucy arriver. Il continue, mais il ne sourit plus. Bruce arrive dans la salle.

Tony va voir Michelle dans les toilettes. Ils discutent. Ils se taisent et entendent les applaudissements des spectateurs. Pendant une chanson où ils ne chantent pas, Lucy dit à Maxxie ce qu’elle a fait et Maxxie s’énerve. Elle lui avoue qu’elle l’aime. Ils jouent la scène finale. Maxxie l’embrasse à la fin de la scène comme c’était dit dans le scénario. Lucy est contente, mais Maxxie lui dit que ça n’a rien changé. Lucy le gifle sur scène alors qu’il était en train de sortir de scène. Elle s’énerve et se met à crier. Il s’en va. Elle pleure sur scène. Le rideau se ferme et Chris est le seul à applaudir.

Lucy arrache toutes les photos de Maxxie dans sa chambre en pleurant. Elle « libère » sa mère. Elle part.

Elle va chez Anwar. Ils couchent ensemble. Pendant qu’ils le font, elle regarde une photo de Maxxie acrochée au mur.

MAXXIE: Pretty good fella, but not good enough.


MAXXIE: Yeah, because I rule, basically...

MALE DANCER: Shit bender.Ah, Kelly, you're stankin'!

FEMALE DANCER: What about you, you sweaty fuck!


MALE DANCER: Aargh! Get away, you scummer.


MAXXIE: Later then!  What you think of that, then? Tone?

TONY: What? Think of what?

MAXXIE: The moves... Me, Jonno and Kel worked it out.

TONY: It's OK.

(Cut to to Tony and Maxxie sitting in a bus. A van drives by and blares his horns. Tony panics.)

MAXXIE: Hey! Nothing to worry about, dude. Yeah?

TONY: Yeah.

MAXXIE: It's all right. Everything's cool.

(Cut to to Maxxie and Tony walking down a street. A group of young girls are sitting on a car bonnet.)

GIRL 1 : Hi, Maxxie.


ALL: Hi.

GIRL 1: Who's that?

MAXXIE: That's Tony.

GIRL 1: Hey! What's up with you?

TONY: I had a traumatic subdural haematoma with motor and perceptional complications.

GIRL 2: Are you mental?

TONY: Yes.

GIRL 3: I'd still give you one.

GIRL 4: Totally. He's well fit. Yeah, Queenie?

GIRL 5: Yeah. He's buff.

MAXXIE: Hey come on, Tone. See you later, girls.

ALL: See you Maxxie! Bye!

GIRL 3: I wanna give Maxxie one.

GIRL 4: You can't. He's homosexual.

GIRL 3: Bummer.

(Cut to to Maxxie's kitchen. Tony and Maxxie are sitting at the table.)

MAXXIE'S MUM: See? I remembered your favourite.

TONY: Thanks.

MAXXIE'S MUM: You've grown, Tony. And there's another two inches in you, easy. How's your Mum?

TONY: I don't remember you.

MAXXIE'S MUM: Oh, well. We used to have lovely chats when I was cleaning your mum's place. You were such a clever little lad.

TONY: I'm stupid now.


MAXXIE: Here you go, mate. (Maxxie's Mum hands him his plate.) Thanks, Mum.

MAXXIE'S MUM: Oh, we used to giggle. Well, you never did know what your mum was going to say next.

MAXXIE: Ketchup, Mum?

MAXXIE'S MUM: Yeah, right. (Maxxie Mum's gets the ketchup from the kitchen.) Bloody hilarious jokes she told. Filthy. Oh, a right laugh, your mum.

(Cut to to Tony's mum sitting in the bathroom in her house. She looks sad. Effy enters.)

EFFY: Mum? I need to pee. (Pause) I can manage it myself usually.

TONY'S MUM: Yeah, sorry.


TONY'S MUM: Oh, fucking... fucking... fucking thing!


EFFY: Oh! Ooh. Oooh! Ooh la la!

(Cut to to Maxxie's Dad dancing with his dog in a courtyard outside a block of flats).


BOY 1: Oi, look out. Here comes Batty Boy.

BOY 2: You wanna watch it, Dale. He'll slip you a big fat cock!

BOY 3: No fucking way, man!

BOY 1: Cockety-cock-cock!

BOY 2: Or he'll slurp you a big fat cock!

BOY 4: A big fucking cock, yeah. He'll be like, "All right, my lover!" and wank you silly all over his face and then he'll be like tying you up and shoving his big fat cock right up your arse and you wouldn't be able to fucking stop him cos it's fucking torture. You're shrieking and then yo'ure like...  I'm just saying fucking homos, though, innit? 

ALL: Yeah, fucking homos.

BOY 3: Fuckin' homos. We'll fuck them up.

BOY 2: Fuckin' queers!

MAXXIE: Lads...

BOY 1: Yeah, fuckin' 'omos!


MAXXIE'S DAD: Nice one, Taz!


MAXXIE: Hey, Taz!

MAXXIE'S DAD: All right, love?

MAXXIE: Yeah, tea's ready.

MAXXIE: Nice routine, Dad.

MAXXIE'S DAD: Nice? It's gonna fucking slay them at the regionals.


MAXXIE: I just wanted to ask, is it OK if I drop out of my A-levels and...

MAXXIE'S DAD: Come back?

MAXXIE: I wanna leave college and audition for musicals in London.

MAXXIE'S DAD: You're getting qualifications and you're coming to me on the building.

MAXXIE: But how's a history A-level gonna help me be a builder?

MAXXIE'S DAD: You'll be an educated builder.

MAXXIE: Dad, I want to be a dancer.

MAXXIE'S DAD: They have dancing every Thursday down the centre. You love that.

MAXXIE: No, but...

MAXXIE'S DAD: Pastimes. That's what we're into.

MAXXIE: Dad...

MAXXIE'S DAD: The rest isn't for us. Get the dog.


BOY 3: Fucking turd burglar.

BOY 4: Watch out, Dale.

BOY 2: Fucking dog!

MAXXIE'S DAD: Quiet, boy. You got something to say, kidder?

BOY 3: Say what I like. Free country, innit?

MAXXIE'S DAD: Fair point. But here's my suggestion, son. You tell your Dad what you said to Walter Oliver. All right, my lover? (to the group) Lads...

BOY 2: You got fucked up, man!

BOY 5: Big, big time.

(Cut to to Tony in the bathroom in Maxxie's house. He is struggling to undo his belt.)

TONY: Sid? Sid! Sid!


TONY: I need to pee. My hands don't work.

MAXXIE'S MUM: Well, I always sorted you out when you were a baby.

TONY: I got to register for college, sign my name on a form. But my head's forgotten bits of me. All sorts of bits...

MAXXIE'S MUM: Give it time, love.

TONY : Just... I can aim.

MAXXIE'S MUM: Right...

MAXXIE'S MUM: All right?

MAXXIE'S MUM: Bloody hell, Tone! You always did make me laugh.

TONY: You're making me miss.

MAXXIE'S MUM: You and every other bloke in this sodding house.

MAXXIE'S MUM: Whatever happened to that nice lass you had?

(Cut to to Michelle in a bar, visibly drunk.)


MICHELLE: Oh, my God! OK, watch this! Watch this you bunch of pussy-fuckers, OK? One, two, three. Go!  Oh, my God! 

(Cut to to Chris and Jal in a high-rise building.)

CHRIS: We on the right floor?

JAL: Dunno, do I?

CHRIS: All right...angry boots.

JAL: I want to get ready for the party.

CHRIS: Well, that'll take all of about 30 seconds, won't it?

JAL: I get ready. I dress up.

CHRIS: Nah...that's what we love about you, Jal...  Unstudied.

JAL: Fucking hell... I dress up!

CHRIS: Is this the door?  Whoa.  You don't see that every day.

MAXXIE'S MUM: It's open!

TONY: That'll be Sid. He's gonna take me home.


MAXXIE'S MUM: Oh...Chris...Jalander. Oh, what a nice surprise. Came just at the right time.

CHRIS: Right...

TONY: Where's Sid?

MAXXIE'S DAD: Ah! Hi, guys. Hi, Tony, Chris. Hello, funny name. Where'd you lot spring from?

MAXXIE'S MUM: Just finished seeing to Tony.

CHRIS: Yeah. She was... seeing to him...

MAXXIE'S DAD: Great. How are you, lad?

TONY: Better, thanks. She's got warm hands.

MAXXIE'S DAD: Oh, they're lovely and warm. Always say that. (pause) So you're all dancing the night away tonight, huh? Yeah...bit of a party!

JAL: It's not really a party.

CHRIS: Yeah, that's right.

TONY: What party?

(Tony, Chris and Jal are waiting for a bus.)

CHRIS: Look, sorry, Tone. But your mum says we gotta take you home.

JAL: Maybe your folks think it's a bit too soon to be going out.

TONY: Fuck my folks. Where's Sid?

CHRIS: Uh, he couldn't make it, mate. His dad made him stay in and...

JAL: Mow the grass.

CHRIS: Yeah, that's it. He's mowing the grass.

JAL: He couldn't make it, Tony. All right? Sid couldn't make it...


[Sid's house.]

CASSIE: Hey! Hi, Sid! When are you coming to see me? Everyone's so lovely in Elgin. Here's my new friends, Rory and Lachlan.


LACHLAN: All right, wee man?

RORY: Hello there, Sidney.

CASSIE: Rory's going to let me blow his chanter later.

RORY: It's easy. Ye just need to learn tae finger it.

CASSIE: And I've already been beating Lachlan's bodhran.

LACHLAN: Magic! Aye!

SID: What?!

CASSIE: I'm not very good.

LACHLAN: Aye, ye are!

CASSIE: Anyway, there's a present in there, Sid. And watch what I can do.

SID: Mighty fucking Scotland.

(Maxxie's house.)

MAXXIE:Don't you care what I want?! Don't I get to decide?

MAXXIE'S DAD: Yeah. You're gonna decide to be a builder who dances in his spare time.

MAXXIE: I don't want to be a fucking builder!

MAXXIE'S DAD: What's wrong with it?

MAXXIE: Nothing. Nothing. I just... I can do this, Dad! (pause) You don't think I can do it, do you?

MAXXIE'S DAD: No, lad.

MAXXIE: Fucking hell! Thanks, Dad. It's not my fault, is it!?


MAXXIE: That you're stuck in a fucking white van all your life.

MAXXIE'S DAD: Don't you speak to me like that! I'll clout you round the fucking earhole.

MAXXIE: Like you clout the fucking dog?!

MAXXIE'S DAD: Don't bring the fucking dog into it. I'll have no fucking swearing in this house.

MAXXIE: Mum fucking swears at you all the time.

TONY: Don't wait.

JAL: We said we'd take you home.

TONY: Don't wanna go home.


ANSWAR: Groove up on the party. Yo, when I'm cruising in my Lamborghini. The chicks see me, they go, "Mmm, wow, he's so sexy" And I might get my shot for the end of the night, 'cause pussy is pussy and baby, you're pussy for life. I wanna fuck you, fuck you. You already know I wanna fuck you, fuck you...

ANWAR: Argh! Ow! Oh... Fuckin' hell... Sorry. I gotta remember to stand pimp in these.

JAL: What's happening, "blood"?

ANWAR: I'm in for some serious slippy-slidey todger action at this party, man!

CHRIS: It's not...really a party.

ANWAR: Are you pissing me? It's the biggest night of the year. Everybody's going!

CHRIS: Yeah, except Tony.

ANWAR: Yeah? Shame, man. It's gonna be... Huh! Wah! Chugga-chugga-wah! Hit me! Ow!

JAL: Tony can't go. Remember?

TONY: Fuckers...

CHRIS: Yeah... Come on, mate.

JAL: I told you to keep quiet about the sodding rave. And why are you dressed as a crack dealer?

ANWAR: You think it's too much?

JAL: If I'd just met you, Anwar, I'd rather slit my wrists than give you one.

ANWAR: That's because you don't give anyone one. Yeah? Watch out or they'll take your tits into care.

JAL: Huh?

ANWAR: Because they don't get out enough. (Anwar starts laughing) You geddit? Your tits...

ANWAR: Hello, Mr Stonem.

TONY'S DAD: Wondered where you were. (Tony walks inside)Thanks for bringing him back.

CHRIS: That's all right. No problem. Maybe we'll pop round... (Tony's Dad closes the door) ...tomorrow. Let's go get fucked.


TONY'S MUM: Are you not going to have anything, Tony?


TONY'S MUM: OK. So, um, what did you get up to today?

TONY'S DAD: He shouldn't be going out! I mean, he's wandering around, God knows where...

TONY'S MUM: Jim...

TONY'S DAD: We don't even know who he's with!

TONY'S MUM: Jim...

TONY'S DAD: I mean, he could have a bleed or a fit or...

TONY'S MUM: Yeah, Jim. He's here.

TONY'S DAD: Oh, fuck it.

TONY: Fuck it.

EFFY: Fuck it.

TONY'S DAD: All right, all right. Just... for Christ's sake, eat something! Look, Mum's made it easy. It's all...lovely and... bite-sized. Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Come on, let's talk about something else. Come on.

TONY'S MUM: Yeah, yeah, ok. Um, what do you want to talk about?

TONY: Dirty jokes.


TONY: Maxxie's mum says your jokes are filthy.

TONY'S MUM: You saw Jackie Oliver today?

TONY'S DAD: Jackie probably was thinking about someone else. Right, Anthea?

TONY'S MUM: Yeah, yeah... Anyway... This mate of mine's been going to the doctor, yeah?

TONY'S DAD: Who's that?

TONY'S MUM: Er, don't think you know him. Um, anyway he had to have some tests. He had palpitations or something... So, he eventually goes back to the doctor to get the results and, er, the doctor says, "Sit down. I'm afraid there's good news and there's bad news. The bad news is you've only got a month to live." My mate's like, devastated, he's gutted. But he pulls himself together and he says, "What's the good news?". And the doctor says, "See my new receptionist? Blonde. Great arse. Huge tits. Well, I'm fucking her."

EFFY: That's crap.

TONY: Yeah...

TONY'S MUM: My name's Anthea Stonem. Thank you and good night.


TONY: They'll take her tits into care... They're gonna... They don't get out enough! I got it! I got it!


MAXXIE'S DAD: Look, I've told you before, he's not leaving college. That's it!

MAXXIE'S MUM: You don't need to be such a monster man about it! >

MAXXIE'S DAD: Who's being a monster man?


MAXXIE'S DAD: Bollocks!

MAXXIE'S MUM: What's eating you, you big old bully!?

MAXXIE'S DAD: Nothing! Nothing. Just, just leave it alone. He's not leaving, that's final.


BANDY: All right, Walter.

MAXXIE'S DAD: Bandy... How you doin'?

BANDY: Only passable, Walter. It seems like my Dale has overstepped his mouth.

MAXXIE'S DAD: Little misunderstanding, that's it.

BANDY (to the boy): What have you gotta say, dildohead?

DALE: Sorry, Mr Oliver.

BANDY: And...?

DALE: Sorry, Max.

BANDY: He's baked a cake of remorse.


MAXXIE'S DAD: Very nice.

BANDY: So we're all right then, Walter?

MAXXIE'S DAD: Water under the bridge, Bandy. How's the wife?

BANDY: Oh, not bad. They gave her early release. Still gotta wear the electronic tag, of course.



BANDY: Yeah. And they've banned her for life from operating a concrete mixer or a cattle prod.

MAXXIE'S DAD: It's probably for the best.

TONY'S DAD: Oh, Tony! For fuck's sake. Come on! (Tony's dad wrestles Tony onto his bed.) Fucking hell.

TONY: Get off!

TONY'S DAD: Oh, fuck.


MAXXIE: Tony? Are you all right?

TONY: No. Nobody wants me to come out any more.

MAXXIE: Oh, fuck it. Come anyway.

TONY: My dad won't let me go back to college.

MAXXIE: And mine won't let me leave. We're both bummed, bruv.

TONY: Why doesn't Sid come any more? Can't remember when he was here.

MAXXIE: He misses you, Tony.

TONY: I miss me.

MAXXIE: Come out. I'll get you dancing.

TONY: Yeah? You gonna gay me?

MAXXIE: Hey...Tony's here.

MAXXIE: Who's that?


KENNETH: Hello, everybody. I'd like to sing a little ditty that I hope you'll rather enjoy. Alastair, would you mind pressing play, please? Thanks awfully. Raaaas! Gimme a riddim blood. Mi gonna tear it up with a back ender. I wanna hear it big, blud. I wanna hear it hit out, blud! I wanna hear it massive! 'Cause we're takin' it uptown!


CHRIS: Hey Maxxie!


TONY: Fuck me... You're just a kid.

EFFY: You're mental.

TONY: Thanks.

EFFY: Ready?


CHRIS: Hey, Jal! Where's your moves?

ANWAR: Fuck me senseless.

CHRIS: Whoa!

MAXXIE: Yeah. He's hot, man.

CHRIS: Ah, you gay boy!

MAXXIE: Shut it!

SID: Here I come, Cas. I'm coming!


EFFY: It's OK, Tony. Come on.

ABIGAIL : No way. Look who's coming. It's Tony Stonem.


ABIGAIL: Oh, my God Tony, hi! You look so, so OK. Not like... Well, they said you were like a total mong, and I would have been so pissed if you were a vegetable and had to be switched off, yah?

TONY: Do I know you?

ABIGAIL: Tony! You do... You know me really rather well. Remember? You were a very naughty boy. But I forgive you... (She glances down at his cortch.) Is it all still working, yah?

TONY: Sorry. Can't place you.

ABIGAIL: You remember, Tony. How you said I was like your total dream shag?

TONY: I said that?

ABIGAIL: Because Michelle had the funny tits, and was so boring, and you wanted to go out with me because I had the longest tongue you ever...

EFFY: He can't...place you.


EFFY: Come on, Tone.

EFFY: Tongue?

TONY: Oh, yeah.


TONY: Ah! Get off! Ahh! Help! Wanna get out!

MAXXIE: Tony! Tony!  Tony!

MAXXIE: Get the fuck out of my way, will you!

MAXXIE: Tony! Tone? Tone? Tone? Stop fucking about, yeah? Wait... Wait.

BOY 1: All right, Blowjob.

BOY 2: Faggot.

DALE: Cocksucker!

BOY 3: Wanker!

BOY 4: All right, gay boy?


ALL: Fucking get him! Get him!

MAXXIE: Tossers.

DALE: Sent them the other way.

MAXXIE: The fucking cake. I should've knew it when I saw the hundreds and thousands.

DALE: Lemon Drizzle. It's a piece of piss.

MAXXIE: Dale, you can't just treat me like shit and then just... Just... Ah...fuck it!

(Maxxie's house.)

MAXXIE'S MUM: Jim? What's wrong?

TONY'S DAD: Sorry it's so late... I've lost Tony.


TONY'S DAD: He doesn't answer his phone. I don't even know if he can. I can't keep him in. But... He's not right.

MAXXIE'S DAD: Who is? Everything's mental. This competition last week. Fucking break-dancing chihuahua. I mean, what's it come to?

TONY'S DAD: Right. You never know what's gonna happen till you're sitting in a hospital. And I'm thinking, I've really, really fucked up here, because I'm supposed to stop this happening. And now I don't know where he is. Something happens, suddenly you've lost them.

MAXXIE'S DAD: His friends'll look after him.

(Outside the club.)

MICHELLE: What you on?

SID: Cass sent me a tab.

MICHELLE: She misses you, right? I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I go to see him. I went to see him.

SID: Well, I suppose you deserve some fun.

MICHELLE: Those guys just like my tits.

SID: Oh. Sweet. You're avoiding me.

MICHELLE: You make me think about him.

SID: You're not the only one, Chelle. I was there every day trying to get him to say something. And everybody really, really fucked up and I'm just trying to... to... And nobody comes but me 'cause it's so terrible. You should have fucking helped me.

MICHELLE: All right! When it happened... before the bus... ..he was on the phone and he said something. I don't think he remembers. But he said...

SID: Chelle.

MICHELLE: Fuck's sake, I'm trying to tell you this!


MICHELLE: Oh, Jesus! Tony?

TONY: Hello.


SID: Wait, I'll go back with you.

TONY: Effy's taking me. I will remember everything.


SID: Where are you going?

MICHELLE: Not now, Sid!

TONY: Got lost. Where do I fucking live?

[Maxxie's house.]

MAXXIE'S MUM: Walter will run him round in the morning. Look, don't worry yourselves, OK. She's a bit upset.


MAXXIE'S MUM: College starts today. He's in there, love. Talking, not shouting.


MAXXIE'S DAD: Lovely bit of cake, that. Young Dale's got the magic touch.

MAXXIE: He's got that all right.

MAXXIE'S DAD: You're good enough.

MAXXIE: Yeah. I am. I'm bloody good.

MAXXIE'S DAD: Get it from your old man, probably.

MAXXIE: Reckon?

MAXXIE'S DAD: I'm artistic, yeah. Not as artistic as you, mind.

MAXXIE: Some things is just the way they are.

MAXXIE'S DAD: Yup. I got lucky, didn't I? You didn't turn out like the fucking ASBO Army out there.

MAXXIE: No, Dad.

MAXXIE'S DAD: I feel like taking some fucking credit for it. OK?

MAXXIE: I'm never gonna be a builder, Dad.

MAXXIE'S DAD: You'll understand this one day, kid. You're everything I've got to show for my life. And I'm not ready for you to go, because I fucking love you too much. I'm an idiot, I know.

MAXXIE: I love you too, Dad.

MAXXIE'S DAD: So if you're not coming building, back to college. Give me the last year. And then it's game on. All right?

MAXXIE: All right.

MAXXIE'S DAD (to the dog): Taz. On your bed. At least the sodding dog does what he's told.

[Maxxie's room.]

TONY: I can register if I write my name.

MAXXIE: It's more than that, Tony. It's not just signing your name.

TONY: Then fucking help me! Or are you going to be a complete fucking arse-wit like everyone fucking else I know?

MAXXIE: Whoa! He speaks. You gotta slow it down. Stop trying to write. It's just a shape your hand makes. Close your eyes and just kinda... dance it.

(Tony closes his eyes.)


(Tony opens his eyes. He sees he has written his name.)

TONY: Do I have to gay you now?

Kikavu ?

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16.06.2022 vers 23h

12.12.2021 vers 18h

19.12.2020 vers 23h

07.11.2020 vers 13h

06.08.2020 vers 11h

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