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#603 : Fuir

Alex est nouveau au lycée. Dès le premier jour, il sympathise avec Liv, qui est en froid avec Mini. Le groupe a du mal à avancer depuis l'accident. Alex décide de lui faire découvrir son monde. Il vit seul avec sa grand-mère sénile, qu'il semble aimer de tout son coeur et protéger de son propre père. Alex a toujours un dés dans sa poche, il détermine ses actions grâce à un jeu qu'il a inventé lui-même. Sa relation avec Liv bat de l'aile lorsqu'elle apprend qu'Alex est gay, mais plein de bonne volonté, et souhaitant se faire des amis, Alex décide de tout faire pour réconcilier le groupe, et leur permettre de faire ce qu'ils n'ont pas pu faire, dire un dernier 'au revoir'...

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Extrait (VO) - Next person to come in

Extrait (VO) - Next person to come in


Extrait (VO) - It's the way he rolls

Extrait (VO) - It's the way he rolls


Extrait (VO) - Helped the Aged

Extrait (VO) - Helped the Aged


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La grand-mère d'Alex

La grand-mère d'Alex

Alex et sa grand-mère

Alex et sa grand-mère

Alex au téléphone

Alex au téléphone






Logo de la chaîne E4

Grande-Bretagne (inédit)
Lundi 13.02.2012 à 00:00

Logo de la chaîne E4

Grande-Bretagne (inédit)
Lundi 06.02.2012 à 00:00

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Jack Lothian
Réalisé par : Sam Donovan

Alex se réveille. Il se lève, et sert le petit déjeuner à sa grand-mère. Son père l'appelle, Alex lui fait croire que sa grand-mère dort encore, son père lui demande de commencer à emballer toutes ses affaires afin qu'il l'emmène dans la maison de retraite bientôt.

Au lycée Roundview, Doug accompagne Alex jusqu'à sa classe. Il a cours d'information-communication. Il leur présente le nouveau, Alex Henley. Liv fait remarquer à Doug que sa braguette est ouverte, ce qui fait rire tout le monde, et amène Doug à leur préciser qu'à partir de maintenant, il faut l'appeler par son nom de famille car il est devenu proviseur.

Plus tard, au self, Alex regarde Liv mettre du whisky dans son verre, Mini s'asseoir en face d'elle sans lui parler. Il joue avec un dé, qu'il lance, en cherchant la correspondance du nombre sur l'une de ses fiches. Il fait le chiffre deux: "frapper la prochaine personne qui marche. Au même moment, Alo entre dans la salle avec Nick, il lui dit que Rich sera absent un moment. Alex s'avance vers lui, lui met un coup de poing, l'aide à se relever en s'excusant.

Liv croise Mini et lui demande d'arrêter de l'éviter. Mini lui soutient que ce n'est pas le cas, mais cherche à s'échapper. Alex arrive, Liv lui demande ce que c'était que cette scène dans le réfectoire. Il lui explique pour les dés, elle lui demande ce qu'ils disent maintenant. Alex le jette, il connaît la liste par coeur, "embrasser la personne à côté de vous". Il embrasse Liv, elle lui met une claque, puis ils se présentent.

Alex amène Liv chez lui, il lui présente sa grand-mère, qui s'était cachée dans un placard. Ils mangent, pendant qu'elle parle à Liv de son mari, le grand-père d'Alex, et du fait qu'ils veulent l'envoyer en maison de retraire car elle perd la tête. Cela jette un froid, elle semble accuser Alex de faire le "mauvais boulot" à la place de son père. Le garçon demande à Liv de partir, elle l'invite à les rejoindre plus tard au bar. Alex lit une lettre à sa grand-mère, qui s'endort.

Alex rejoint le groupe au pub. Il leur propose de payer à boire. Liv fait les présentations. Le groupe reste assez froid. Mini accuse Liv d'essayer de remplacer Grace en se faisant un nouvel ami. Saoule, elle part danser avec des garçons, ce qui énèrve Alo. Il veut aller danser aussi, mais personne ne veut l'accompagner, à part Alex, mais il décline l'invitation. Au moment où Nick se décide à y aller, le téléphone d'Alex sonne.
Il sort, c'est son père qui l'appelle à nouveau pour lui dire qu'il va venir la semaine prochaine. En raccrochant, Alex fait un petit monologue de la discussion qu'il aurait voulu avoir avec son père, et au moment où il dit qu'il a rencontré une fille, Liv arrive. Il lui demande si elle sait jouer.

On les retrouve tous les deux dans un entrepôt assez sombre. Alex lui demande si elle sait jouer aux cartes. Il débute une partie, la gagne mais son adversaire l'accuse de tricher. Il lui propose de jouer tout l'argent à un pile ou face, l'homme perd. Il dit à Liv de partir en courant, sa pièce était truquée et l'homme, qui s'en est aperçu, est furieux. Dehors, son téléphone sonne. Il dit à Liv qu'il doit partir, lui paye un taxi. Elle lui dit qu'il n'a pas à être timide, il lui fait un bisou sur la joue. Sur son téléphone, on remarque le profil d'un jeune homme.

Alex est en train de faire l'amour avec un garçon, qui n'a rien à voir avec celui du profil. Alex le lui fait remarquer avec une pointe d'ironie. L'homme lui propose de l'argent, Alex lui dit qu'il n'est pas une prostituée, et déchire la monnaie. Avant de partir, il lui conseille de se faire suivre par rapport à son hygiène buccale.

Son téléphone sonne mais Alex ne répond plus.

Au lycée, Alex lance le dé pour Liv. "Pénétrer par effraction chez un inconnu". Ils se rendent donc dans un appartement. Il est sale, puant, rempli de magazines érotiques. Ils décident de faire un grand nettoyage, et ont juste le temps de sortir avant que le propriétaire ne rentre.

Ils reviennent chez Alex mais son père est là. Liv reste avec sa grand-mère. Alex dit à son père qu'il peut arrêter l'école et s'occuper d'elle, mais il refuse. Il demande à Alex de finir d'emballer les objets. Sa grand-mère dit à son père de partir, que William s'occupe d'elle. Le père d'Alex lui fait remarquer que William, son mari, est mort depuis longtemps. Il donne rendez-vous à Alex pour dînner. Il part. La grand-mère demande à Alex de danser avec elle, et Liv les rejoint dans la ronde.

Plus tard, au lycée, Nick s'initie aux dés avec Alex, mais a des propositions un peu au-delà du réalisable.
Un garçon demande l'attention des élèves et annonce qu'il y aura un mémorial organisé pour Grace, qu'ils doivent tous se serrer les coudes. Il rajoute à la fin un détail sur une activité extra-scolaire qui n'a strictement rien à voir.
Le groupe est dégoûté. Liv leur dit de ne pas y aller, ce qui énèrve Mini, car elle veut choisir elle-même. Le groupe s'embrouille, Mini l'accuse de passer trop de temps avec Alex.
Liv part aux toilettes, Alex la suit. Elle pleure, lui dit qu'elle ne comprend pas pourquoi Grace leur a fait ça. Elle essaye d'embrasser Alex, mais il la repousse, lui avoue qu'il est gay, qu'il n'a pas eu le temps de lui dire. Elle lui dit de partir, et Mini qui a écouté la scène lui dit qu'ils n'ont pas besoin de lui. Liv lui demande quand même de la laisser seule.

Alex court jusqu'à chez lui. Sa grand-mère ne répond pas, il lui dit qu'il n'est pas d'humeur à jouer à cache-cache, mais il la trouve dans son lit, morte. Des médicaments sur la table de chevet. Elle s'est suicidée.

Au lycée, le mémorial a commencé. Liv y est allé, elle est rejoint par Franky et Mini. Le garçon dit que les mots ne suffisent pas, et il commence à chanter avec une fille. Franky n'en peut plus, elle s'avance, lui enlève le micro, lui dit que Grace le détestait et qu'il lui avait montré son sexe. Le garçon nie, puis dit que c'était un accident.
Liv arrive, et accuse tous les élèves d'être là alors qu'ils ne la connaissaient même pas. Elle prend le clavier du garçon, et l'éclate sur le meuble. Mini s'approche pour la calmer. Liv se retourne vers les élèves, et leur dit que si ils veulent se souvenir d'une chose, ils ont cas se souvenir de "ça": elle soulève son t-shirt, montrant ses seins, puis elle part.
Franky dit à Mini qu'elle pense que Grace aurait aimé ça, et Mini lui dit que oui, Liv a toujours eu de beaux seins.

Liv est sortie devant le lycée. Alex y est retourné, il l'appelle sur son portable. Il s'excuse, lui dit qu'il a une idée pour que tout s'arrange, qu'il peut aider pour tout.

Un peu plus tard, le groupe rejoint Alex à bord d'un bateau, qu'il a loué.
En mer, ils font la fête, boivent, se droguent, dansent...
Liv demande à Alex pourquoi il fait tout ça. Il lui dit qu'il a besoin d'une amie, en ce moment, tout comme Mini. Liv va la voir, essaye de lui parler, mais elle se referme sur elle même.
Mini est assise sur un meuble en bois, elle s'apprête à dire à Liv que ça ressemble vraiment à un cercueil. Elle l'ouvre, et voit le cors de la grand-mère. Liv aussi, elle est sous le choc, demande qu'est-ce que ça fait là. Alex arrive derrière, leur dit qu'elle ne fait rien. Mini crie, elle appelle Alo.

Nick demande à Alex de lui expliquer. Il leur dit que sa grand-mère ne voulait pas aller à la maison de retraire, mais ailleurs. Qu'ils avaient dit qu'ils n'avaient pas pu aller aux funérailles de Grace, et que c'était un moyen de dire au revoir. Mini lui dit que ce n'est pas Grace, là. Alex lui répond qu'il demande juste un peu d'aide. C'est Franky qui intervient, pour lui dire qu'ils vont le faire. Et Liv encourage les garçons à l'aider.
Ils mettent le cercueil sur le bord du bateau. Alex sort une carte postale trouvée sur le lit de sa grand-mère, il la lit, comme une prière. Tous ont les larmes aux yeux. A la fin, Franky ajoute à l'attention de la grand-mère que si elle voit Grace, elle doit lui dire qu'elle leur manque. Il mette le cercueil à l'eau, il met un peu de temps à couler.
Franky appelle Matty, lui laisse un message en lui disant de ne jamais revenir.

La fête reprend, Alex discute avec Liv. Elle lui dit qu'elle accepte qu'il soit gay, il lui dit qu'il veut vraiment qu'elle soit son amie. Ils sautent dans l'eau. Liv lance les dés au loin, et lui dit de nager vite pour les récupérer et savoir ce qu'ils disent. Elle plonge, et Alex dit un dernier au revoir à sa grand-mère.

Alex: Three... two... one...

Alex: Tea and toast.
Grandma: Ah. You know I could have done at least with a bit of grapefruit. Or a croissant or some buck's fizz to fuck me up nicely some mentholated cigarettes.

Phone ringing.

Alex: Hi, Dad.
Alex dad: Alex. Right. How you getting on? You all set for the move next week?
Alex: Yeah.
Alex dad: Good. Good. Erm, remember to label everything. D'you hear me Alex?'
Alex: Yeah I will.
Alex dad: Is she there?'
Alex: She's... she's still sleeping.
Alex dad: Well the home are expecting her next Wednesday, so just remind her.'
Alex: Yes.
Alex dad: OK.'Remember to label everything.'
Alex: I'm doing it, Dad.
Alex dad:'You better be.'

Grandma: Silly old twat.
Alex: He's your son, Gran.
Grandma: Did he at least remember to wish you good luck for today? No, well never mind. You don't need any.

At Roundview.

Doug: You and I have a lot in common. Your first day. Mine too. Be confident. Assertive. Give them a chink of ligh and they'll take you to the cleaners, Boyo.
Alex: Yeah, I'm used to being the new boy. I'll get by.
Doug: Here we are. Information Communication Technology. Your first class.
Alex: Pretty sure I didn't sign up for that.
Doug: Ah, yes, your father phoned. He changed some things around.
Alex: Right.
Doug: Class, this is Alex Henley. He's new today. So go, take him to your bosoms and show him a thundering good time.
Liv: Doug. Problem with the flies.
Doug: Oh... goodness! I do apologise. We don't want to see that, look you. There's another thing. I'm not Doug any more. I'm also the head teacher and that means you have to call me by my proper name Mr Cyhoeddus-Gwalchmai. Yes, all right, very amusing. All right settle down.

Nick: Rich is supposed to be my project partner.
Alo: His girlfriend just died. I don't think he cares about your fucking coursework.
Nick: I suppose.
Alo: He'll be back when he's got over things. Just get Franky to do it for you. Everyone else does.

Alex: Mate, I'm really really sorry.
Alo: What the fuck was that for?!
Alex: It's numbers mate. Only numbers.

Liv: Mini. How long is this going to go on for? I called you four times last night.
Mini: I was busy.
Liv: With what?
Mini: Bloody hell, Mum. I was doing coursework.
Liv: You don't need to avoid me.
Mini: Why would I be avoiding you?
Liv: Because you don't want to talk about her.
Mini: That's not it.
Liv: Come on, Mins. We have to see each other every day. Gracey would say...
Mini: I'm not avoiding you, OK?

Alex: Hey.
Liv: Yeah? What's your problem?
Alex: Huh?
Liv: Punching people?
Alex: I don't have a problem.
Liv: So why did you do it?
Alex: Numbers.
Liv: What?
Alex: If you live by this, everything's random.
Liv: So what are these numbers telling you now?

He kisses her. She beats him.

Alex: Alex.
Liv: Liv.
Alex: Pleased to meet you.

Liv: I never even knew this was here. I only live, like, 200 yards away.
Alex: Yeah. It's funny what you see and what you don't see. Like you and your friend aren't speaking to each other.
Liv: What?
Alex: And why you're pouring a quarter of whisky into your coffee before noon.
Liv: I'm an alkie.
Alex: I'm a psycho.
Liv: With a magic dice.
Alex: Everything about me's magic.
Liv: Hmm.
Alex: Yeah, you should try it - keeps things buzzy.
Liv: You reckon?
Alex: Erm, what was the name of your friend that died?
Liv: Grace.
Alex: You want to meet the wicked witch? Hello? Gran? She'll be here somewhere.
Liv: She does exist, right?
Alex: Pretty sure she does, yeah.
Grandma: Oh, hello, Alex.
Alex: Are you wanting to come out of there or...?
Grandma: No. I'm fine where I am. Oh...! I was joking.
Alex: Sure, Gran.
Grandma: I must have got a bit confused.
Alex: Erm, this is Liv.
Grandma: She's a girl.
Alex: Yep, that's right. She's a girl.
Grandma: I like the colour of you.
Liv: Thank you.
Alex: Beans for three. There you go, Gran.
Grandma: Very handsome. Wouldn't you say?
Liv: Of course I am.
Grandma: It's the cheekbones. He gets them from his Grandad William. He was an extremely virile man.
Liv: Right.
Grandma: I was only 13 when I met him.
Alex: You were 23, Gran. Don't go overboard.
Grandma: Oh, yes. There was a dance. He was all dressed up in uniform. He comes over, with a shiny penny in his right hand. He throws it up, catches it. And he says... Heads - we have a dance then we go our ways. Tails - you come with me and we'll get wed at Dover as soon as you like.
Liv: And you married him?
Grandma: Well, I screwed him senseless for quite a while. You know, they're going to put me in a home. Alex is packing my things away, getting me ready.
Liv: Why are they putting you in a home?
Grandma: Because I'm losing my mind. Alex is doing a nasty little job for his dad.
Alex: I'm just trying to look after you, Gran.
Grandma: Yes, well, tell your dad to keep his poisonous little hands off my house.
Alex: You better go. So, you had the baked beans, a glass of coke... That's about £3.50.
Liv: And there wasn't even a dessert.
Alex: Maybe next time, yeah?

Liv: Some of us are going to the pub. Latimers. And... er... you should come along.
Alex: Maybe.
Liv: Sure.

Alex: "15th September, 1964. 13 miles off St Kilda. The sea was rough, Force 9 today, but the Captain was determined to run for Norway and refused to put in at Greenock."
Grandma: Oh! Idiot.
Alex: "One engine is down and we are taking in water, but I have taken bets from eight of the crew against making it. If we are rescued, I will be a rich man."

Alex: Hi. Erm... anybody want a shot?
Alo: Look I don't want any trouble, mate, all right?
Alex: No. A shot. You know? Or a... something. Take that as a yes, then.
Liv: I'll give you a hand.
Alex: Nah, it's OK. I've got it.
Mini: You got a new friend, then?
Liv: He's a nice guy.
Alo: He's a whack job. Have you seen what he's done to me?
Liv: Just give him a break.
Mini: We don't need any new friends. I'm fine.

Nick: Whoa, that's a lot of cash.
Alex: Yeah, I like cash. I like the feel of it in me hand.
Nick: Er... I see that.
Alex: What was she like? Grace.
Nick: Mate. You're cool and everything. But leave that alone. All right?
Alex: Yeah, sure.
Liv: Alex, this is, er, Mini, Alo, Nick and Franky.
Mini: You're boring.
Alex: You're way too cool to be her friend.
Liv: It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.
Alex: Her boyfriend's getting a bit anxious.
Liv: Oh, that's just Alo. He's not her boyfriend, trust me.
Alex: I guess you guys are a little on edge, yeah?
Liv: We're, er... yeah. This was probably a mistake.

Alo: All right, fuck it. I'm dancing. Liv? Franky? Come on, yeah? Yeah?
Nick: That's way too gay, mate.
Alo: What?!
Alex: I'll dance with you.
Alo: Um, yeah, maybe, mate.
Alex: Oh, shit! Shit. Sorry.
Nick: Fuck it. Come and gay me.
Alo: Huh?
Nick: Are you dancing or what?
Alo: Yeah.

Alex: Hi, Dad.
Alex dad: 'Alex. Where are you? Erm... I'm at home. I've been calling the house phone. Nobody answered.'
Alex: Yeah, well, Gran likes to turn the TV up loud.
Alex dad: 'Where are we with her? Are you packing her stuff?'
Alex: Yeah, it's not... It's not... It's not simple.
Alex dad: 'What are you talking about?'
Alex: I've been thinking.
Alex dad: 'Not your job to think, Alex. It's your job to act. I'm relying on you. OK?'
Alex: OK.
Alex dad: I'll be flying over next week. Want it all sorted out by then. Clear?'
Alex: Crystal.
Alex dad: Good. Say hello to your gran for me.'

Alex: "How are you, Alex?" "Oh, good, thanks, Dad. "First day at college today." "Oh, yeah, how did that go?" "Oh, really well, thanks. "I met this really nice girl and... and she was so..."
Liv: And she was so...?
Alex: So... Are you a gambling woman?
Liv: Alex, what the fuck?!
Boy: Alex. How's it going, you all right? Good to see you again. Usual table, yeah?
Alex: You know how to play cards?
Liv: No.
Alex: Oh, shit. That makes two of us. Right, then. Rock'n'roll.

Alex: Ah. Ace flush. Full house.
Boy: Hey, calm down! Calm down!
Liv: What's going on?
Alex: They just want to make me a cake. Celebrate my victory.
Boy: He says you're a cheat.
Man: No, no. Not a cheat. A fucking cheat.
Alex: Well, obviously, I'll take issue with that. No! Now, look, you're scaring my girlfriend. I don't suppose you know kung fu?
Liv: No.
Alex: Oh, dear.
Man: You're a fucking tosser.
Alex: I'll tell you what. Let's play tossers, eh? Call it, go on. Call tails, I dare you. For the money? Then we can part as friends, yeah?
Man: Tails.
Alex: Collect the money, Liv. Run.
Liv: Fuck. You're just...
Alex: I'm a cheat.
Liv: Yeah. You're a fucking cheat. Jesus!
Alex: Ah, shit, sorry. I've got to... My gran, you know? Taxi's on me. Here, er, take some of this.
Liv: OK, but...
Alex: I've had a lovely time. See you at college, yeah?
Liv: Alex... you don't have to be shy.
Alex: I know. Take care, yeah?

At a gay boy's flat.

Alex: You need to update your profile pic.
Gay boy: Oh... it was a little while back.
Alex: In a galaxy far, far away. Yeah.
Gay boy: It was all right though? Yeah?
Alex: Sure. What's this?
Gay boy: You're a nice kid. Take it.
Alex: I'm not a fucking rent boy. And even if I was, 20 quid?! Seriously? You're missing the point, mate. Just for a moment, everything was meaningless. Oh, well. Cheers. Oh, and erm... you need to see someone about your dental hygiene problem. I'm not telling you that to be cruel, I'm telling you because it's true.

Alex's house.

Alex: Three, two, one.
Alex dad: Alex, I need you to call me back. Alex, why aren't you answering your phone? Alex, your behaviour is concerning me. I'm waiting to hear from you. OK? Call me.'


At Roundview.

Liv: What's your stupid card say today then?
Alex: One. Break and enter a stranger's house.

Alex: Liv. Liv, is anyone in?
Liv: No. Definitely a serial killer.
Alex: Fucking 'ell! This place stinks!
Liv: Yeah. What a dirty bastard.
Alex: Exotic porno collection. Whoah! Let's fuck with this guy's head.
Liv: You're not going to take a dump on the bed or something?
Alex: Uh-uh. Exact opposite.


Alex: Liv, I'm... Fuck!
Liv: Whoo-hoo!

Alex's house.

Alex: My dad's here. Hi, Dad.
Alex dad: Hello, Alex.
Alex: What are you doing?
Alex dad: I'm doing what you were incapable of doing. Sorting things out.
Alex: Look, we don't need to do this. She doesn't have to go into a home. I'll quit college and I'll get
a job. I'll... I'll look after her.
Alex dad: No.
Alex: Why not?
Alex dad: Because that's my decision.
Alex: No, that's not an answer!
Alex dad: If you're going to get emotional, I won't discuss it with you.
Alex: You're not discussing it with me anyway!
Alex dad: We all need to take a break! Calm down. Meet me tonight for dinner, OK, and pack this stuff away. Or I will. Mum? I'll come back later.
Grandma: We don't need you. William's looking after me.
Alex father: No, Mum. Dad died a very long time ago. Here. I'll call you later - and pick up this time!
Grandma: Alex, let's dance.
Liv: Come on.
Alex: No, not now. Not now, really.
Grandma: One last dance for old time's sake. It's no fun dancing on your own.

Nick: So I've got the rules right? Number six is always "run away". Number one. Hang myself, right. Number two.
Alex: Not sure the dice is for everyone.
Nick: Two. Get into heroin.
Alex: Case in point. Let's start smaller, eh?
Nick: Wank myself stupid?
Alex: Now you've got it.

Boy: Can I have your attention, please? Everyone? Everyone, yeah? Just to let you know, this afternoon there'll be a memorial service for Grace Blood, who tragically died as the result of a tragic accident. I'm sure it would mean a lot to her if you could attend. These are... bloody difficult times, yeah? But if we talk about it, we'll get through this. As a community. Together. Yeah? And there's one more thing. Refurbishment's finished on the squash courts. They'll be open again from tomorrow. Thank you.

Alex: So?
Liv: We're not fucking going, that's for sure.
Mini: So you decide for all of us. Thanks.
Alo: I don't think she meant it that way...
Liv: Did he even know her? We're not going.
Nick: Maybe we should, you know, show face or something.
Mini: Better ask her permission.
Mini: What's your problem?!
Mini: Who's got a problem? Not you. You're out every night with Mr Headfuck here.
Liv: Don't say that.
Mini: Tomorrow will probably mess with your busy schedule.
Liv: Fuck you Mini!

Liv: Why did she..? Why did she have to fucking...?
Alex: She just wants attention.
Liv: No, Grace! Why did she...? Why did she have to fucking...?
Alex: Liv. I didn't get around to telling you about me. I'm gay.
Liv: Stop it. Stop fucking with my head!
Alex: I thought maybe you knew.
Liv: No, you didn't think that!
Alex: I was going to tell you.
Liv: You spineless little shit. You can't stand up to your dad. Can't deal with your own life. You used me!
Alex: I've just never had a proper mate before.
Liv: What? What!? Who said I was your mate, you twat!
Mini: Who the fuck are you anyway? We don't know you. We don't need you. Bit stupid.
Liv: Leave me alone!

Alex: C'mon, Gran. I don't wanna play hide and seek today.

Boy: There are things we want to say. And sometimes...
Liv: Oh, Christ.
Boy: Words aren't enough.

Franky: She fucking hated you, you moron! She told me you showed her your dick!
Mini: Franky !
Boy: Oh my god. That's a bloody lie! I never... It was an accident. She saw it, accidentally!
Liv: I'll take that. What the fuck is wrong with all of you?! What the fuck!
Mini: Liv!
Liv: You wanna remember something? You want some fond memories to wank over? Well, remember this. Fucking wankers.
Franky: I think Grace would've liked that.
Mini: Oh, yeah. Liv's always had top tits.

Alex: I'm sorry.
Liv: You fucking should be!
Alex: I know. I really am. I just get in over my head sometimes.
Liv: Oh, really? I practically had my tongue down your throat!
Alex: Yeah, and that was a nice thought.
Liv: Oh, Jesus!
Alex: Look. I want to make it up to you. I think I can help.
Liv: With what?
Alex: With everything.

Mini: So what are we here for? This had better be a pretty fucking decent party.
Nick: Looking good so far.

On the boat.

Alo: Woo-hoo! Woo!
Liv: Go on, Alo.
Alo: Fucking hell.
Nick: Alo !
Alo: Woo-hoo! Woo!
Liv: Alo, I thought you were the DJ.
Alo: The high seas!
Liv: We should go on boats more often.
Nick: Sweet boat. Shit weather.
Alex: Yeah. It was a tough choice between taking out the boat or the 'copter. You know how it is.
Nick: Nice one. Alo, Alo!
Franky: You should be a captain, Alo. You should have your own boat.
Liv: Did you steal it?
Alex: Isn't hard to rent a boat. You just need a false ID and a stack-load of cash.
Liv: Why? Why do you care? You didn't even know her...
Alex: I know you. And... I need a friend right now. So does she.
Liv: Being angry with me isn't... it isn't going to change anything.
Mini: So?
Liv: So talk to me.
Mini: I don't want to. Or even if I did, I... I can't. Not without her here. I need a light...
Liv: I haven't got one...
Mini: It's funny, that looks like the one in... Oh!
Liv: What? Fuck! What the fuck is it doing?
Alex: It's a she. And she's not doing anything.
Mini: Alo! Alo! ALO!
Alo: What's going on?

Nick: Alex? What the fuck?
Alex: My gran didn't want to go where she was told... She wanted to go somewhere else instead. That's it.
Alo: Oh, that's it! What a relief!
Alex: You said you weren't allowed to go to Grace's funeral.
Mini: You don't get to say her name, Gay Boy. This isn't her.
Alex: Will you help me?
Alo: You've gotta be kidding me!
Alex: I'm asking. All right? I'm asking for a bit of help.
Franky: Yeah, let's do it.
Nick: What?
Liv: Just help him, you idiots.

Alex (reading): "My dear. The weather is turning and I'm scared for this leaky old tub. But I have to take the odds, whatever they are. Life's a gamble, honey chuck, you win and you lose. But I know you'll wait for me... until I round Cape Horn and sail in to the tide to hold you tight. Always yours, William."
Franky: If you see our friend... tell her we miss her.
Alo: Um... is it supposed to float like that?
Alex: I dunno... Three... two... one... Pow!

Voice: 'This is Matty. I'm not around but leave a message.'
Franky: It's me. Don't ever come back.

Liv: What are you going to tell your dad?
Alex: In the grand scheme of things... that really doesn't matter now. I needed that.
Liv: No problem.
Alex: You do get what "gay" means, right?
Liv: That you put it where the sun don't shine!
Always: Friends?
Liv: riends. Whatever. Always run away.
Alex: Bet you don't dare. Bet you.
Liv: Fuck!
Alex: We didn't really think about that.
Liv: You got that dice?

Alex: How do we know what it said?
Liv: It said swim, sucker.

Alex: Bye, Gran. Be happy.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 21 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

16.06.2022 vers 23h

20.02.2022 vers 13h

19.12.2020 vers 23h

22.01.2020 vers 07h

31.10.2018 vers 10h

14.05.2017 vers 13h

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