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#602 : Fond du trou

Grace est à l'hopital mais son père, David Blood, interdit à Rich de la voir. Lorsqu'elle se réveille, enfin, elle demande à le voir. Rich trouve un moyen de contourner la sécurité et  pénètre dans la chambre d'hôpital. Les amoureux sont enfin réunis, mais un problème s'impose : le père de Grace veut l'envoyer dans un hôpital à Zurich. La jeune fille ne veut pas quitter Rich et il lui promet que ça n'arrivera pas.
Malheureusement, le père de Grace décide de partir dès le lendemain, et Rich découvre la maison des Blood vide. Après une nuit passée dans le lit de Grace, à regarder des vidéos d'elle enfant, Rich est bien décidé à la retrouver avec l'aide d'Alo. Malheureusement, Alo a d'autres choses en tête, et leur relation s'effrite. C'est Liv qui va devenir le ciment du groupe, et qui va tenter de ramener Grace.

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Fond du trou

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Extrait (VO) - Man Tracked


Extrait (VO) - Good acoustics

Extrait (VO) - Good acoustics


Extrait (VO) - Another holiday ?

Extrait (VO) - Another holiday ?


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Extrait (VO) - Amped Up

Extrait (VO) - Amped Up


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Rich en concert

Rich en concert

Mini et Liv dansent

Mini et Liv dansent

Alo en concert

Alo en concert

Rich et Alo en concert

Rich et Alo en concert

Rich chez Geace

Rich chez Geace

Rich dans le lit de Grace

Rich dans le lit de Grace

La lettre du père de Grace aux parents de Rich

La lettre du père de Grace aux parents de Rich


Logo de la chaîne E4

Grande-Bretagne (inédit)
Lundi 30.01.2012 à 00:00

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Daniel Lovett
Réalisé par : Sam Donovan

On retrouve Alo, Rich et une autre fille – O’Malley – en train de jouer de la musique, Alo chante, Rich à la basse et la fille à la batterie. On sent Rich un peu en dehors de la musique. Soudain, il regarde l’heure et enlève sa basse. Il veut se rendre à l’hôpital pour voir Grace. Alo veut qu’il reste, surtout que ce n’est pas l’heure des visites. En plus, Blood ne veut plus le voir.

Rich se retrouve à l’hôpital et lui téléphone. Il tombe sur son répondeur. Encore. Il lui dit qu’il l’aime. Soudain, elle le rappelle. Elle se demande pourquoi il n’est pas là. Il lui dit qu’il a essayé mais que son père l’en a empêché. Elle veut qu’il essaie plus fort. Rich, heureux qu’elle soit réveillée, fait tout pour rentrer à l’hôpital alors qu’il y a des affiches partout avec sa photo. Il rampe mais est coincé par l’infirmière. Il essaie de la convaincre mais elle refuse de le laisser passer. Soudain, Blood est là, furieux et le fait sortir. Rich profite d’un des moments d’inattentions pour monter dans les bouches d’aération. Il entend que Bood veut envoyer Grace en Suisse. Il se retrouve au dessus de la chambre de Grace et s’écroule sur le lit voisin. Grace est réveillée et ils s’embrassent. Grace veut qu’il fasse tout ce qu’il peut pour la faire rester. Ils commencent à se déshabiller quand Blood entre. Rich est mis dehors par la sécurité.

Rich est chez lui et mange avec ses parents, totalement ailleurs. Sa mère lui dit qu’il va venir en vacances avec eux. Rich ne veut pas. Son père lui dit que Blood a appelé et qu’il faut qu’il arrête d’y aller et d’embêter la famille. En blaguant, Rich dit qu’il se pendrait plutôt que d’aller en vacances avec eux. Anita, la mère, le prend au sérieux et lui demande néanmoins d’avancer dans la vie. Rich finit par vexer sa mère. Ils partent donc sans lui en vacances.

En vélo, Rich se rend chez les Blood pour essayer de les avoir avant leur départ en Suisse mais il est trop tard. Il crie qu’il ne veut pas que Grace parte parce qu’il l’aime mais il n’y a personne.  Il voit un mot de M. Blood au laitier et comprend qu’ils sont partis. D’énervement, il lance son portable au loin. Il décide de rentrer dans la maison et entend la chanson des Blood (Walking in Sunshine). Il balance la radio dehors. Il tombe sur un film de Grace quand elle danse, quand elle était petite.  Il est gagné par l’émotion. Il finit par rester allongé sur le lit.

Soudain, la sonnerie de la porte d’entrée retentit. Rich voit que c’est Alo et refuse de lui ouvrir. Alo insiste et arrive à le convaincre quand il lui dit qu’il a de l’herbe. Rich lui dit qu’elle est partie en Suisse. Alo lui dit alors qu’ils doivent aller  à Zurich la récupérer. Alo s’étouffe avec de l’herbe ; Rich lui donne à boire mais Alo lui recrache dessus ; ce qui les amène à rire. Alo se met à faire du cricket sur le billard en cassant des choses dans la maison. Alo veut faire de la maison un squat et surtout une place pour un concert. Soudain, Alo lui dit de se taire ; il entend la musique de son téléphone ; celle de Grace. Il le cherche partout dehors. Mais quand il le retrouve, c’est trop tard, surtout que le signal passe très mal. Alo se demande ce qu’il fait mais Rich ne veut pas l’entendre, il veut juste parler à Grace, il veut la retrouver. Alo lui dit alors d’aller voir sur le frigo : il y a un papier sur une clinique de Zurich. Ils appellent mais ils ne sont pas compris parce qu’ils ne comprennent pas le français. Mais ils lui passent M. Blood qui s’énerve contre eux ; Rich est bouleversé et en colère.

Il repart dans la chambre de Grace en disant à Alo qu’il veut être seul. Alo reçoit alors un message de Mini qui lui demande où il est. Il l’appelle.

Rich regarde de nouveau les images de Grace enfant, les larmes aux yeux. Il lui demande de ne pas grandir. Soudain, il est dérangé par du bruit. Il monte à l’étage supérieur et trouve Mini et Alo en train de coucher ensemble. Rich est horrifié. Mini lui demande pourquoi il ne l’a pas appelé pour Grace.  Rich s’en fiche surtout qu’elle a bien réussi à remplir le vide. Elle lui dit qu’elle voulait juste coucher avec quelqu’un et que c’est un secret.

Son téléphone sonne. C’est Grace. Il sort de la chambre. Elle se demande pourquoi il ne répondait pas et pourquoi il ne fait rien pour la ramener. En haut, Mini et Alo ont repris leur activité au grand désespoir de Rich.

Rich regarde la boite à musique de Grace danser au son de la musique de La Lettre à Elise. Il entend une nouvelle fois du bruit dans la maison, un bruit de batterie et il descend, en colère. C’est Alo et O’Malley qui répètent. Rich leur dit de sortir dehors et balance les amplis dehors. Alo essaie de l’en empêcher, en vain. Alo dit pourtant qu’il fait ça pour lui, qu’il faut qu’il se remette de Grace, que son père l’a quitté pour elle. Rich s’énerve et veut le mettre dehors. Ils se battent. Rich lui dit que la musique ne résout rien ; Alo essaie de lui prouver le contraire.  Rich sort dehors mais Alo le suit ; ils en viennent à parler de Mini. Alo lui demande de ne rien dire. Rich lui dit qu’elle se fout de lui et ils se frappent. Il lui demande d’arrêter de coucher avec elle et alors ils feront la révolution de la musique. Rich envoie sa guitare voler et lui demande de s’en aller. Alo se relève et voit Mini à la fenêtre avec un drap sur elle… qu’elle enlève. Alo hésite entre la rejoindre et rejoindre Rich et fini par la rejoindre.

Rich a rejoint Liv dans un café pour lui raconter tout ça. Liv se demande pourquoi ils ne l’ont pas appelé, surtout pour Grace. Rich pensait que Mini lui aurait dit. Liv est surprise et elle se met soudainement à pleurer parce que Grace lui manque. Rich ne sait pas trop quoi faire ; il demande des biscuits.  Plus tard, dehors, ils mangent des biscuits. Liv se sent mieux. Ils font un plan pour retrouver Grace qui serait à Paris. Ils appellent Franky qui les rejoint. Elle est heureuse et soulagée quand elle apprend que Grace est réveillée.

Tous les trois reviennent chez les Blood. Alo est en train de tout vider et dit qu’il a fait une fête surprise. Soudain, Mini sort et tout le monde est surpris. Rich lui sauve la mise. Ryder arrive alors pour venir la chercher. Liv ne veut pas qu’elle parte ; elle veut organiser une soirée pour récolter de l’argent et aller chercher Grace.

La soirée bat son plein. Alo regarde Mini danser au loin, jaloux de voir d’autres garçons avec elle, surtout quand elle commence à en embrasser un. Liv voit Alo faire une tête bizarre puis va voir Mini. Le concert commence. Tout le monde danse sur leur musique, Franky sur les épaules de Nick ! Soudain, Rich aperçoit Grace parmi la foule et arrête le concert pour la rejoindre. Alo le suit. Il lui dit qu’il voit des choses, qu’elle n’est pas là, qu’ils verront demain mais Rich ne veut pas attendre demain, il veut la voir maintenant parce que ça fait trop mal. Il s’effondre un moment dans les bras d’Alo avant de continuer de la chercher. Il monte jusqu’à sa chambre… et la retrouve dans le lit, nue, entourée de son drap. Il est étonné de la voir là. Elle lui dit qu’elle l’aime… probablement puis lui dit de venir la rejoindre, d’enlever ses vêtements. Il fait ce qu’elle dit et ils font l’amour.

Le lendemain matin, Rich se réveille seul au lit. Il appelle Grace mais personne ne lui répond. Il descend au salon. Toujours personne. Il finit par entendre la sonnerie de son portable et court y répondre. C’est Grace. Elle lui dit qu’elle devait partir. Il ne comprend pas pourquoi. Il lui demande de revenir mais elle ne peut pas. Elle lui fait remarquer que tout est beau ce matin et lui dit qu’elle l’aime. Emu, il regarde son portable, cassé. Il voit alors une voiture et rentre dans la maison. M. Blood est assis sur une marche dans l’escalier et lui fait remarquer qu’il a saccagé sa maison. Rich s’excuse. Il lui demande où est Grace.

M. Blood lui dit qu’elle est décédée la veille, l’après midi. Rich lui dit qu’il lui parle tout le temps. M. Blood lui dit que ça lui arrive également. Rich comprend qu’elle ne s’est jamais réveillée. M. Blood se met à pleurer et lui dit que c’est pour cela qu’il est allé en Suisse, pour essayer de la sauver. M. Blood se demande ce que Grace a pu penser, ce qu’il devait faire, s’il devait éteindre la machine. Rich le console en lui disant qu’il a fait ce qu’un père a fait. Il le rejoint dans l’escalier alors que M. Blood sanglote. Rich lui dit qu’elle l’aimait. M. Blood acquiesce et que c’est pour ça qu’il est là. Rich est sous le choc et pose une main réconfortante sur l’épaule de M. Blood.

Alo: Where are you going, buddy?
Rich: Somewhere that smells less like our balls.
Alo: That is not balls, man, that is soul lubricant.
Rich: I'm pretty sure it's balls.
Alo: O'Malley, please, yeah! Just one more, right? It's right fucking there, man.
Rich: I'm late for visiting time.
Alo: Well, it's hardly visiting time if Blood won't let you in.
Rich:That's not the point.
Alo: What if this is it, man, the day we perfect Filthy Woman, get a contract and we start the revolution, as discussed?
Rich: And what if today's the day she wakes up? Thank you.

PHONE: Hi, it's Grace, smile and speak at the beep.
Rich; Grace... It's me... again. Can you just wake up? I love you. Did you hear what I said there? I love you. Yeah? I fucking love you.

Phone ringing.

Rich: Grace?
Grace: Rich.
Rich: Grace. Are you all right, can you hear me?
Grace: Why aren't you here?
Rich: I... I tried. I tried. We all did. Your dad won't let us in.
Grace: Then try harder, Richard.
Rich: What?

At the hospital.

Pauline: Seriously, Richard? Are we seriously doing this again?
Rich: Oh, come on, give me a break, Pauline. She's the love of my life. Look... Two minutes and I'm gone, yeah? The love of my life.
Pauline: I don't know, Richard.
Rich: The love of my life.
Pauline: Stop saying that!
Rich: It's working, though.
Pauline: Yes! No, no! Look. Why don't you...?
Mr Blood: Nurse, call security, tell them that the boy has got in... again.
Rich: Don't bother. I know the way out.
Mr Blood: This is exactly the kind of blatant emotionalism we shan't have to deal with in Switzerland.
Pauline: Grace might benefit from being around people who love her. Professor Blood. Wait, please!
Mr Blood: He is inappropriate, indecorous, inane and in a great deal of trouble.
Pauline: Don't you think this is a bit hasty?
Mr Blood: My daughter deserves the finest medical care available and a clinic in ZuRich is the finest...
Pauline: ZuRich?
Mr Blood: In all of Europe. I want her ready to leave for Switzerland by this evening. Good day.

Rich: Grace.
Grace: There's a door over there, you know.
Rich: It's hard to explain. Involves your crazy dad. He is crazy, you know.
Grace: I'm disappointed. I thought you would find your way in sooner. If you were worth your salt.
Rich: Well... I'm here now and that's the main thing. That's the main thing.
Grace: Don't ever get ill on me again, OK? I mean it. Like... ever. I mean it.
Rich: OK.
Grace: Dad's taking me to Switzerland to get better.
Rich: Yeah, I know. I probably really love you, Grace, but your dad's a total bell end.
Grace: I want you to think a way out of the predicament, Richard. This is your moment to show me what you're made of.
Rich: Hmm.
Grace: Promise me, Rich.
Rich: I promise.
Grace: Cool, get in here.
Rich: What... now?!
Grace: I'm horny, aren't you?
Rich: Fuck it, yes.
Grace: Come on, hurry up.
Rich: All right, all right.
Grace: Get in here.
Rich: All right. All right. Oh, shit... sorry. Stupid fucking jeans.
Grace: Mind my catheter.
Rich: Shit, sorry.
Grace: Whoops!
Rich: What? Fuck off! Fuck off! Fucking come on, then. What about my... Fuckers!

Rich's house.

Rich mum: Sweetie!
Rich: What?
Rich mum: Surprise! We got you a ticket! You're coming to Halkidiki with us!
Rich: I fucking well am not.
Rich mum: Richard!
Rich dad: Anita! Mr Blood called again today.
Rich mum: I know you're worried about Grace, poppet. We all are. How much have I spent on flowers in the last two weeks?
Rich dad: £11.49.
Rich mum: £11.49, poppet.
Rich dad: But you can't keep doing this to that poor family. Give them some space, Rich. A holiday will do you the world of good. And you'll make lots of new friends. We met some lovely young girls banana-boating last year.
Rich: Yeah? I'd rather hang myself.
Rich mum: Kevin, unpack the bags.
Rich dad: Anita, I'm sure he didn't mean...
Rich mum: I said unpack the effing bags! Every single warning sign Take A Break said to look out for, but you wouldn't listen! I will not come home to my baby swinging from the rafters!
Rich: Mum, I'm not going to actually...
Rich mum: We will fix you, poppet. I know it hurts. Of course it does but you'll move on. It's just young love. It's not real.
Rich: Mum, I'm fine. She needs me here. If Blood wants me to stay away, I'll stay away. But I'm not leaving. OK? If she's not on that flight in four hours, I'm actually going to be forced to kill myself. Are we clear, Kevin?

Rich: Mr Blood? I've been thinking and, er... you're right... about everything. Whatever you want for her, whatever you want me to be, I'll be. Just don't take her away, all right? Mr Blood? No! No fucking signal! Fuck!

Blood's house.

Alo: Rich! Come on, Rich? Come on, Rich! Richard! I can smell you from out here, man. I've got weed! You've been man-tracked, bitch. Nice gaff. Where is she, then?
Rich: ZuRich?
Alo: Like in space?
Rich: It's in Switzerland.
Alo: She's only been awake five minutes and he takes her skiing? That is mental.
Rich: She's at a clinic, you subnormal twat. And he can do what he wants, apparently.
Alo: So let's go.
Rich: Where?
Alo: ZuRich, man. Delta Force Rescue.
Rich: I don't know where she is.
Alo: Oh. So we'll just wait here till she gets back, then?

Alo: Et voila. Huh? That's Swiss.
Cheers, mate.
Rich: Give me...
Alo: Oh, shit. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, mate.
Rich: You motherfuck... Fucking hell. You fucking dickhead, man.
Alo: I'm sorry. You want some?
Rich: Yeah.
Alo: It's massive. God, my chest.

Alo: Whooooo! Boom-town! This is great, innit? I mean it's like being on Bad Boy Island.
Rich; Huh?
Alo: Pinocchio! Our first squat. This is it, man. This is where it all begins.
Rich: What?
Alo: The music revolution.
Rich: Hang on. We're not going, er...
Alo: Our first gig is going to be a fucking blinder.
Rich: You can't put a gig in a house.
Alo: Right, firstly, this isn't just any house. This is David Blood's house. Secondly, we need to fuck his shit up. So come on! I do like fucking his shit up.Now you're talking. Swing away.
Rich: Um...
Alo: Yes, that's what I am talking about! Mindless anarchy. That's what the kids are about nowadays!
Rich: Wooo!
Alo: Yeah!
Rich: Stop!
Alo: Come on, man. Let's go poo on his bed!
Rich: Shut it! Shut up! Just shut it, shut up! Aargh. Fuck sake!
Alo: What are you doing, buddy?
Rich: Shut the fuck up. Fuck! No fucking signal.
Alo: Do that thing where you put your sim card on your forehead.
Rich: Shut up.
Alo: It proper works. Shitbox told me. Listen you got to...
Rich: What, Alo? What the fuck do you want?
Alo: I'm trying to help you.
Rich: Well, don't! I don't want any fucking help. No-one can help me because I've got no fucking signal and I want to speak to my girl... friend! I've got to find her.
Alo: Have you checked the fridge?
Rich: What?
Alo: I know, I know. I am that good.
Rich: OK. You have some uses.
Alo: One, one, OK...

Rich: Guten tag. Yeah, yeah, go, go.
Voice: Willkommen zum Klinik Gotzmann.
Rich: OK, I don't understand any of those words. Yes. I'm trying to contact Grace Blood. Grace Blood! No. Listen, please! Why does nothing work? Keep your gonads on!
Voice: Guten tag. Wie kann ich dir helfen?
Rich: Er... yes!
Voice: Entschuldigung.
Rich: Ja, bonjour...
Voice: Ich verstehe nicht.
Rich: Ist der une... Um... Grace Blood, por favor?
Voice: OK, you're looking for Grace, buddy. Ha-ha!
Rich: Yes, I'm, er... Grace Blood... I'm her brother.
Voice: Ja cool. Putting you through. Hold the line.
Rich: Yes! Yes!  Yes, you do love me, you fucking love me! Come on! Yes! Grace!
Mr Blood: This is unacceptable behaviour, Hardbeck. It's futile.
Rich: Grace! Grace!
Mr Blood: Leave us Alone!
Rich: Grace, can you hear me?

Alo: I'm really s... Talk to me, man.
Rich: Go home, Alo. I want to be on my own. All right?

Rich: Don't grow up, Gracey.

Mini: Wait, wait, hon...
Alo: There, there?
Mini: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, no. No, no, no. Wait, wait. Keep it there. Keep it there, fuck!
Alo: Oh, fuck!
Mini: No, wait, wait.
Rich: You awful, awful bastards.
Alo: Ah... Jesus and Mary... Can I just... You're on your own here, big boy.

Rich: This is... This is horrific.
Alo: Mate, I... She always makes such a racket, honest. It's like a paddling pool got punctured or something.
Rich: Oh, cheers. You know what? Fuck the both of you.
Mini: Er... Rich, why didn't you... Why didn't you call me? What, she wakes up and you just don't bother to let me know?
Rich: I lost my phone.
Mini: I'm her best friend.
Rich: Well, I'm sorry. I see you managed to fill the emptiness inside, though.
Mini: I wanted a fuck. He's available.
Alo: Yeah. But you like me, right?
Mini: Long as you don't talk, yeah, it's all right. But this is a secret, right?
Alo: Min, I don't give a fuck.
Rich: Why don't you just wipe yourself down and then piss off? That's my phone. Shut it. I, er... I need some closure here. Yeah, go on, then.

Grace: Rich?
Rich: Oh, thank Christ!
Grace: I tried to ring you.
Rich: I know. Er... when... When are you coming home, Grace? Because I really need you, OK?
Grace: Rich, I haven't got long. They're moving me again. Dad won't tell me where.
Rich: Your fucking dad wants to split us up. Run away.
Grace: It's not that simple.
Rich: It is! Just run away and I'll...
Grace: He's my dad, Rich.
Rich: Meet you in Paris, OK?
Grace: I can't. Shit, it's him.
Rich: No, wait, Grace! Oh, fuck me. Fuck! Fucking hell. Ah! Ah! Fucking hell, yeah! Ah, fuck! Fuck! Ah!

Rich: No!
Alo: See the acoustics in here, man?!
Rich: Oi!Get this out!
Alo: Why? This could be the gig of the century! Rich... Richard, you give me back my amp! Rich!
Rich: That's nice. That's really fucking nice, isn't it?
Alo: Touch my kit, Rich, and you'll get this one down your throat and this one up your arse. Everything I do for you and you fuck it back at me. I fetched your gear for you.
Rich: I don't want you to fetch my gear! I want you to fetch my girlfriend!
Alo: Don't you get it, man? If she wanted to be here, she would be here!
Rich: No!
Alo: She's dumped you, mate! All right, actually, no... she got her dad to do it for her. Maybe that is a bit pussy, but now we're going to party like it's 1999 and get the fuck over it! Rich...
Rich: You fuck off! No, you dildo. Get off!

Alo: What are you doing?
Rich: You two look so fucking lame,
Alo: I'm giving it a sheen of responsibility.
Rich: Well, don't, all right?
Alo: Rich, get off!
Rich: You think being in this stupid band is going to help? Music doesn't solve anything!
Alo: Yes, it does.That's what you've told me all my life. This is the music revolution.
Rich: Music revolution! You are first against the wall, O'Malley!
Alo: I was trying to help you. I am always trying to help you.
Rich: Why bother?
Alo: Because I'm your mate.
Rich: Yeah? You sure you don't want to be in the band so Mini can let you look her in the eye when you suck her cock?
Alo: Can you just keep it down, yeah?
Rich: She still here?
Alo: Yeah. She doesn't want anyone to know.
Rich: Do you want to know why Mini doesn't want anyone to know? It's cos she'll fuck anything and you're anything. You're a fucking joke.
Alo: Mate... Oh, fuck! Oh, mother fucker!
Rich: You know what? You give up poking Yoko Ono and we'll start the music revolution together. Me and you.
Alo: Don't ask me to do that, man. I might never see breasts like that again. I mean, they are magnificent. Rich! Not the axe, Rich. Rich, don't throw away the dream!
Rich: You dick.Take your piece of shit axe, your piece of shit amp and put it in your piece of shit van and fuck off!

Liv: Let me get this straight... you broke in to your college principal's house, started living there and wearing his clothes?
Rich: Alo started it.
Liv: Jesus Christ! Why haven't you rung me?
Rich: Huh?
Liv: I've been going off my nut cos my best friend's been in a coma for four weeks and nobody could be arsed to ring me, tell me she woke up and left the fucking country.
Rich: I thought Mini would have told you.
Liv: Mini knows about this?! What the fuck... she can't pick up the phone?
Rich: Maybe her mouth's too full.
Liv: What?!
Rich: Nothing.
Liv: Everything's mental since fucking Morocco. Can't we take her dad to court or something?
Rich: I don't think it works like that.
Liv: What the fuck is wrong with you? I thought you were metal.
Rich: Yeah, I thought I was, too.
Liv: You're not the only one who misses her, you know? What the fuck has happened to us all? Where are my friends?
Rich: I-I'll get you some biscuits. Oi, mate, can we get some biscuits here, please?
Liv: I do actually feel a little better. You said you'd meet her in Paris, right?
Rich: I didn't get round to where to meet. Her dad came in.
Liv: Ring the stupid clinic again.
Rich: They won't talk to us.
Liv: How hard can it be to find someone in Paris?
Rich: In the whole of Paris? Pretty hard.
Liv: Not sounding very metal again, Rich.

Franky: Liv.
Liv: Here she comes.Hi.
Franky: So, what's so important you couldn't tell me on the phone?
Liv: Grace woke up.
Franky: Oh! Fuck, um...Can we go see her?
Liv: How's your French?

Alo: Oh, mate, I'm going as fast as I can.
Rich: It's all right. You don't have to leave.
Alo: No, I think we really should leave.
Rich: Why?
Alo: According to Facebook, there's about 300 people coming here to watch us play tonight.
Rich: Cancel it.
Alo: See, the thing is, I might have said that there's an empty house in the middle of the countryside and the owners are away, so they're really gonna come and fuck this place up. Good. I hope they burn it down.

Mini: Right, cock boy, I'm leaving... Oh... Hi.
Liv: What are you doing here?
Rich: You found them, then? Your... straighteners?
Mini: Yeah, yeah, I'm really gonna... straighten my hair tonight.
Liv: Mini, why didn't you tell us Grace was OK?
Mini: The signal's shit here... I just found out!
Rider: Yay!
Mini: Well that's... that's my ride.
Rider: So what's the happy haps? You guys just chillin'?
Mini: Shut up and drive me home,
Rider: Wrist Monkey. Gonna get my dick sucked tonight. Up top, Creevey! Stay fresh, yeah?
Liv: You're not going anywhere, Mins. We need to take a fiver off every idiot that comes here tonight, then we fill up this dump truck with Diesel and we go get our friend back OK?
Mini: What?
Liv: Nothing.
Alo: Come on, mate. It's Revolution Time. Anybody fucks up, I'll chew their balls off.
Rich: Mate, we need to, er...
Alo: Get a new drummer. Yeah!


Alo: Good evening, children of the Revolution!
Rich: This house... this fucking house... belongs to someone who doesn't care as long as you're in your place. This house is a fucking prison! It needs... It needs to be... Ripped the fuck apart!

Rich: Grace! Grace! What?

Alo: Rich, just wait a second.
Rich: I can't. I'm wasting time.
Alo: You just made a mistake, it's all right.
Rich: She's got to be here!
Alo: Rich, she's not here. You're seeing things!
Rich: Nothing works without her, Alo, none of this!
Alo: We're gonna find her, mate. First thing tomorrow.
Rich: No, not tomorrow! I need her now! It fucking hurts! It fucking hurts so much.

Rich: Grace? Hello? Grace?!

Rich: Hey...
Grace: Hey.
Rich: I came to find you.
Grace: Yeah? After you trashed my house.
Rich: Sorry about that. It got out of hand.
Grace: Everything does, sooner or later.
Rich: Yeah. Where is he? Your dad?
Grace: I left him behind. He can't get past things.
Rich: Like?
Grace: Like I... probably love you. Rich... You've still got your clothes on.
Rich: Oh... we can... we can do that now?
Grace: We certainly can.
Rich: Everything's better. Here you are again.
Grace: Here I am again.
Rich: I love you... so much.

Rich: Grace?
Grace: I had to go.
Rich: Yeah. Why?
Grace: You know why, Rich.
Rich: No.Come back.
Grace: I can't.Isn't everything beautiful this morning? Everything is so beautiful.
Rich: I don't understand.
Grace: I love you, Rich.

Mr Blood: You fucked my house up, I see.
Rich: Sorry. Where's Grace gone?
Mr Blood: I'm very sad to say... Actually, she died yesterday afternoon.
Rich: I just spoke to her. I speak to her all the time.
Mr Blood: Me too. What else is there to do?
Rich: She never woke up, did she, from the accident?
Mr Blood: That's why we went to Switzerland. To see if they could wake her up. I just wanted to try it, you know?
Rich: So all this time, she was...?
Mr Blood: They said there was nobody left inside. I thought, what would she think of me for turning off the stupid machine thing? What would she think?
Rich: She'd have thought you're her dad, and that's what you're supposed to do. She loved me. And I...
Mr Blood: Yes. That's why I'm here.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 21 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

16.06.2022 vers 23h

20.02.2022 vers 13h

19.12.2020 vers 23h

21.01.2020 vers 19h

31.10.2018 vers 10h

14.05.2017 vers 13h

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