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#209 : Le début de la fin

Malgré qu'elle sorte avec Sid, que Chris soit guéri, que Michelle et Tony soient de nouveau ensemble, et que les examens soient totalement finis, Cassie ne va pas bien... Sid organise une soirée dans l'appartement de Chris et Cassie, pour fêter cette fin d'année scolaire, mais tout dégénère. Jal ment à Chris, Chris ment à tous ses amis, lui y compris... C'est le début de la fin.

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Le début de la fin

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Extrait (VO) - Cassie dancing

Extrait (VO) - Cassie dancing


Extrait (VO) - FInal scene

Extrait (VO) - FInal scene


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Chris est inquiet

Chris est inquiet

Sid et Cassie traversent un moment difficile

Sid et Cassie traversent un moment difficile

Cassie est préoccupée

Cassie est préoccupée

Michelle tente de maîtriser la situation

Michelle tente de maîtriser la situation

Michelle et Tony sont à nouveau ensemble

Michelle et Tony sont à nouveau ensemble

Chris est dépassé par les évènements

Chris est dépassé par les évènements


Logo de la chaîne Canal+

France (inédit)
Jeudi 16.07.2009 à 00:00

Logo de la chaîne E4

Grande-Bretagne (inédit)
Lundi 07.04.2008 à 00:00

Plus de détails

Ecrit par: Bryan Elsley
Réalisé par: Charles Martin

Tout le monde se relaye au chevet de Chris qui a pu sortir de l'hôpital après son opération qui s'est relativement bien passée. Tout le monde pense qu'il est tiré d'affaire, la preuve il recommence à raconter des blagues pourries.

Cassie passe son épreuve de philo où elle parle avec l'examinatrice. Elle ne sait plus où elle en est, elle a l'impression que tout lui échappe sans pouvoir rien faire. Comment peut-on empêcher les malheurs ? L'examinatrice lui répond qu'on ne peut pas.

Sid prépare à manger à Chris et prépare également une fête avec Tony et Michelle pour fêter le rétablissement de Chris ainsi que la fin des examens. Cassie en veut toujours à Michelle pour avoir couché avec Sid mais aussi faire comme si ce n'était pas grave, comme si tout allait bien alors qu'elle-même n'arrive pas à être heureuse.

Jal débarque alors que tout le monde se casse, dans la dispute Michelle a dit devant Chris que Jal a merdé. Chris veut savoir en quoi. Et elle lui dit tout...

Cassie a peur de devenir adulte car ça signifie avoir plein d'emmerdes, Sid tente de la rassurer du mieux qu'il peut bien que Cassie n'ait pas totalement tort.

Chris dit à Cassie qu'il n'est pas fait pour être père, Jal lui a dit qu'elle avait décidé d'avorter et Chris ne se sent pas capable de tenter de lui faire changer d'avis. Il a déjà la chance de l'avoir elle alors il compte respecter sa décision.

La mère de Chris demande des nouvelles de son fils à Cassie mais c'est trop dur pour elle d'aller le voir à cause de la mort de son mari et de son fils aîné. Elle ne supporte pas l'idée de perdre quelqu'un d'autre. Cassie tente de la convaincre que Chris est vraiment rétablit : sans succès.

Alors qu'ils regardent la télé tous les deux, Chris a une perte de mémoire à cause du pétard qu'il est en train de fumer, il se sent super mal. Cassie appelle une ambulance mais c'est trop tard, Chris meurt dans ses bras.

Cassie fait ses bagages et s'en va aux Etats-Unis. Là-bas, elle se fait accoster dans un resto par un type prénommé Adam qui l'accueille chez lui. Alors qu'ils commençaient à bien s'entendre, Adam laisse une lettre à Cassie alors que celle-ci dort pour lui annoncer qu'il part mais qu'elle peut rester chez lui autant qu'il veut. Cassie craque...


Season 2 episode 9

Script VO



JAL: And I'm gonna make a choice. I am.


JAL: Soon. Honest. I've got something to tell you.

CHRIS: Me too. I got you a present.

CASSIE: He fell on the floor, Jal. There was blood in his ear. I didn't know what to do.

MICHELLE: I love you too.

CHRIS: It's a secret. Don't tell Jal.

DOCTOR: You said you knew about it because of the hereditary aspect. The brother. The brother died of the same thing.


* * * * * * * * * * * Opening credits * * * * * * * * * *



Cassie is studying, reading The Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood. All her friends are in this room, waiting for Chris.

CASSIE: “I know I was all right on Friday when I got up. If anything I was feeling more stolid than usual. When I went out to the kitchen to get breakfast. Ainsley was there, moping. She said she had been to a bad party the night before. After the first minute I was surprised to find my feet moving, wondering how they had begun. But I didn't stop. The rest of them were so astonished Hello? No, he doesn't like grapes.”

MICHELLE: For fuck’s sake, don’t neck them all, you tit.

MAXXIE: Pass me a grape, Anwar.

TONY: Hey, mate. Do you want some spliff?

CASSIE: “'I think I ought to tell you something', she said softly. His dark eyes opened and looked up at her vacantly. 'That's your problem then', he said. At last I know what I really want to be. She pulled her face away and gazed down at him. His eyes were closed. He was gazing serenely at the ceiling. I took a quick drink of water. I couldn't imagine Ainsley making a miscalculation. Being a person is too complicated. 'I don't believe you'. She wasn't smiling. 'Why are you so interested in me, Miss? ‘‘Oh, they're immortal', she said quietly. 'It's only a cake'.”

Chris wakes up.


CHRIS: Hey. Where's Jal?

CASSIE: She was here, Chris.

CHRIS: Yeah? When?

CASSIE: You were sleepy.

CHRIS: Yeah? Hey, what happened to my grapes?

CASSIE: Anwar ate them.

CHRIS: Yeah, well, he's a bloody grapist. Feels funny, this.

CASSIE: Funny?

CHRIS: Yeah, Cass. I think you'd feel quite funny if they'd stuck a tube up from your balls to your brain. Jal knows how to change the, um thing.

CASSIE: She went to her call-back at Music College.

CHRIS: Right. I didn't watch, did I, when they were doing it.

He lights a cigarette.

CASSIE: Maybe you should have stayed in hospital, Chris.

CHRIS: Nah, bollocks. Had to get home, didn't I?

CASSIE: Chris, are you allowed spliff?

CHRIS: Allowed? What are you talking about?

CASSIE: You were dead.

CHRIS: Mmm. Yup. Properly dead. Three minutes. If you can survive that, a couple of doobies can't hurt.

CASSIE: You want me to take a look?

CHRIS: Cassie, I've got a hole right by my balls. Well, an extra hole…

CASSIE:…I've seen your balls so many times I've lost count.

CHRIS: Like when?

CASSIE: Like when you were using them to impersonate Mick Hucknall from Simply Red.

CHRIS: You've gotta admit, that resemblance is uncanny.

CASSIE: Come on. Let me look. We'll fix you up in no time. Boxers, Chris. Looks fine.

CHRIS: Of course, but, er what about the wound? Tell me about Jal at the hospital again.

CASSIE: She sat beside you the whole time.

CHRIS: The whole time. Never left me.

CASSIE: She never left you.

CHRIS: What, not even to go for a razz?

CASSIE: No, Chris. She had to go for a razz.

CHRIS: Yeah. Yeah, she loves me.


CHRIS: Love conquers all, do you know that? I bet it even conquers a genetically acquired subarachnoid hemorrhage.

CASSIE: That would be good.

CHRIS: I should have told her. When my brother died they said that forewarned was forearmed. If I got into trouble they could fix it.

CASSIE: So why didn't you tell anyone?

CHRIS: I told you didn't I?

CASSIE: Jal, Chris.

CHRIS: Well, I took blood pressure pills. They said that'd stop it.

CASSIE: You took lots of other pills too.

CHRIS: I like pills, OK? Never thought it would actually happen.

CASSIE: There's lots of things you never think will happen. Like that, Chris!

CHRIS: Hello, old friend.

CASSIE: It's all right. I'm glad it works. Goodbye, old friend.

CHRIS: Um, do we Do we tell Jal about the about the donger? Or is that a secret?

CASSIE: You shouldn't have secrets, Chris. Neither of you should.

CHRIS: Right. Because we love each other.

CASSIE: Because you love each other.

Cassie goes out of the room. Later, she came back. Chris is gone and Sid is sleeping in the bed.

SID: Sleeping.

CASSIE: You're not ill and hiding it from me, are you, Sid?

SID: No. I'm stupid and hiding it from you. Do you mind?


SID: Also I've got a nasty boil on my bum and I was hoping you wouldn't notice.

CASSIE: Too late.

She types him on buttocks.

SID: That's not nice.

CASSIE: No. Going to my exam.

SID: Is Jal here?


SID: Who's looking after Chris?

CASSIE: You are.

SID: Right. What do I do?

CASSIE: Oh, just change his dressing. He's still a bit confused so he'll probably think that I already changed it today, but just ignore that.

SID: Right. Where is this dressing?

CASSIE: Oh, he'll show you. Don't let him do it himself, no matter what he says. It's much better if somebody else handles it.

SID: All right.

CASSIE: OK. What do you have to say to me?

SID: Um I'm sorry I'm such a tit?


SID: My life never made sense to me until I met you.


SID: I never really loved Michelle and it was all a terrible mistake and I must have misheard her when she said that I was the best lay ever and she really, really wasn't that great in bed.


SID: Good luck in your exam.

CASSIE: Thanks.

SID: What do you have to say to me?

CASSIE: I'll love you forever, Sid.

SID: You will?

CASSIE: Yes. That's the problem.



EXAMINER: You may turn over your papers.



Sid comes in the room. He sees Chris sleeping.

SID: Chris?

CHRIS: You all right, Sid?

SID: Yeah. Yeah. I thought you were I gotta change your dressing.

CHRIS: Oh, no. It's fine. Cassie did it earlier.

SID: Course she has.


SID: Yeah, just let me handle it.

CHRIS: No fucking way. I'll smack you.

SID:  I'm just trying to help you.

CHRIS: I've told him. He's not listening. He's not listening to me. Here we go. You're gonna love this.

He gives him a kick.





EXAMINER: You're 43 minutes into a two-hour philosophy A level paper and I'm pretty sure you haven't written anything yet.


EXAMINER: Cassie everybody else has finished exams and started their holidays. Here I am running a re-scheduled exam especially for you. So, are you going to write anything?

CASSIE: I'm not sure.

EXAMINER: What about?

CASSIE: How long I can put off starting to write and still get an A. Is it possible to truly enjoy power?


CASSIE: It's question three.

EXAMINER: I'm not supposed to help you with your exam.

CASSIE: I stopped eating and then everyone had to do what I said. That was powerful.

EXAMINER: And did you enjoy that?

CASSIE: I think it was the happiest time of my life. But I had to stop before I died, because otherwise it wasn't fun. You wouldn't understand.

EXAMINER: You're wrong, Cassie.

CASSIE: Did you cut yourself too?

EXAMINER: People will do anything to. People will do anything to work out why they feel bad, won't they?

CASSIE: And did you? Work it out?

EXAMINER: Like I said, I'm not supposed to help you with your exam.

CASSIE: I want you to tell me!


CASSIE: How to stop bad things happening.

EXAMINER: Doesn't work, does it? That's why you have to start eating again.

CASSIE: I fell in love.

EXAMINER: Ah, love. Why cut yourself when you can be in love?

CASSIE: You think passing an exam will make me happy?

EXAMINER: Cassie, passing exams generally only makes life more complicated. But there's lots of other stuff that makes things bearable, and you don't even have to use a knife.



She turns on the radio and starts dancing.



The principal hears the music. He phones to somebody.

DOUG: Yes, hi Martin. Are you on security?



Doug comes into the class. Cassie and the examiner are dancing.

EXAMINER: Come on, Doug. One blast, then Cassie's gonna write.

After dancing, Cassie finishes to write. She puts her papers on the examiner’s office.




Once she has shopping some clothes, Cassie comes back home.

CHRIS: Hey, Cass! How'd it go?

CASSIE: Fine. What are you doing?

CHRIS: Well, er I got hungry, like real hungry, and so Sid went to get stuff.

SID: Hey! You've finished! Congrats.

He removes his glasses. He has a bruise on his eye.

CASSIE: What happened?

CHRIS: That was me. Reflex action.

SID: Yeah, seems he didn't need his balls arranging after all. Funny.

CASSIE: Thanks. You’re cooking.

SID: Yep, we're celebrating. I'm in love, exams are over, and he's alive.

CHRIS: I'm al-i-ve!

SID: So I thought, Fuck it, let's make a night of it.


Michelle comes in the house.

MICHELLE: Hi, Cassie.

SID: Cassie, listen. Come on.

CASSIE: Forget it, Sid. I'm going. This is fucking ridiculous.

She opens the door to leave the house but Tony’s here, holding flowers.

TONY: Is she here yet?

Later, Cassie, Michelle, Chris, Tony and Sid are eating.

CHRIS: I've gotta tell you, mate. Top notch. Mmmm, it's mega. Fucking A, Sid. Fucking A plus. A double plus.

SID: It's the vanilla, isn't it?

MICHELLE: Maybe not that great with meatballs.

SID: Fuck.

TONY: It's fine, Sid. I've never had cherries and nuts in Smash before. Bit of bite.

CHRIS: Great, yeah. Love it.

CASSIE: So all pals together. At a dinner party.


CASSIE: Just like grown-ups.

SID: Let it go, Cass. We're just trying to get on.

CHRIS: Normally, I'd say "Let's stick some hash in the meatballs." But these have a kick all by themselves!

SID: Amaretto. It was on special offer.

CASSIE: So, Michelle. What's the plan? You going to get back together with Tony now? All loved? Just like before?

MICHELLE: We're trying not to make a thing of it, OK?

CASSIE: All pals again. Smashing!

TONY: Anyway, you and Sid, you know it all came out right, yeah?

SID: And I'm properly forgetting that I ever saw Michelle's breasts.


SID: Or her pants.


SID: Or the funny freckle on the inside of I've gone too far again, haven't I? Yes.

MICHELLE: Mostly we're just happy that Chris is all right. OK, Cass?


CHRIS: I'm all right! Everyone's seen Michelle's breasts. And that freckle on her fa.

SID: That's not the one I meant. Would it be helpful if I say I love you again?

MICHELLE: He loves you, Cass.

CASSIE: Which university are you going to if you get your grades.

TONY: Cardiff.

CASSIE: And you?


CASSIE: You two must really love each other. Like hardcore.

TONY: I dunno, Cass. I guess we're…

CASSIE:…So tell me what the point is.

SID: I didn't apply to univer…

CASSIE: Yeah? Well, I did. You're all full of crap. I'm going to bed.

Cassie stands up and leaves the room.

SID: Do you want me to come?

CASSIE: Yes, Sid. I want you to come.

MICHELLE, standing up: Think I'm gonna go.  I'm sorry about what happened, Cassie. (Cassie comes back). I fucked up. Tony fucked up. Sid fucked up. Jal's fucked up worse than any of us but it doesn't have to turn to shit.

CASSIE: And you just put up with that?

MICHELLE: Grow up, Cass.

Cassie leaves the room. Sid stands up.

SID: That's it. I'm never putting vanilla in anything ever again.

TONY: Shall I come with you?

MICHELLE: Yeah. Come on, let's just go.

TONY: Right.

CHRIS: Guys? How's Jal fucked up?

The group hears a voice. Jal is coming.

JAL: Hi! Sorry, the train was late and…

CHRIS: What've you done?



CASSIE: I don't know why I am the way I am.

SID: It's all right.

CASSIE: No, it's not all right. Something makes me hate everything. Everything. That's what I like about you, Sid. You never try to explain things.

SID: No. I probably would if I could.

CASSIE, turning around: We're finished. Do you realize that?

SID: Finished?

CASSIE: Two weeks from today we get our results and it's all over. We're grown up. We've made it. Done.

SID: That's good, isn't it?

CASSIE: Everything ends badly.

SID: It doesn't have to.


SID: I've got you.

CASSIE: Don't you wish you could go back to when you hadn't lost anything? Everything's in the future. More shit to happen, that's all.

SID: I love you. I'm here now. That's the best I've got, Cass.

Sid kisses Cassie.

CASSIE: Let's never go. I wanna stay here. I don't want to go. I might have, I might have to go.

They start to make love. The next morning, Cassie wakes up, alone.



Cassie comes in the room.

CASSIE: She told you.

CHRIS: Yeah.

CASSIE: She tried to tell you before.

CHRIS: I know.

Cassie seats on the bed, next Chris.

CHRIS: It's gonna be OK, though. Talked it through. We talked a lot.


CHRIS: I'm not really qualified to be a dad. I don't know what they do. And, um She's gonna be famous, Cass. I mean, she's gonna be great. Fucking mega..I'm not exactly A plus.

CASSIE: You're A plus, Chris. She just doesn't want a baby.

CHRIS: No, I know. I'm on her side. She's all I got, so I'm on her side. Where's Sid?

CASSIE: He went to do his milk round. I think he likes having all that milk.

CHRIS: Cool. Lots of milk.

CASSIE: A truckload. All he can drink.

CHRIS: He's a lucky man. Nonstop glugging.

CASSIE: He'll be chucking it down.

CHRIS: He's milktastic.

CASSIE: Milkulous.

CHRIS: He's a milkionaire.

Cassie kisses Chris.





Cassie walks in the street. She goes to her home. A woman calls her.

WOMAN: Do you live up there?


WOMAN: Do you know Christopher?

CASSIE: Yes, I live with him.

WOMAN: Girlfriend?

CASSIE: No. No, I just live with. Who are you?

WOMAN: I just heard something about him.

CASSIE: He was in hospital. But he's better now.

WOMAN: He's not better.

CASSIE: No, really. He's fine. You're her. You're Chris's mum. You should see him. Please, come in and see him.

CHRIS’S MOTHER: His brother died. Peter died. And they say Chris might. Chris might.

CASSIE: He's better! He's fine.

CHRIS’S MOTHER: Tell him I couldn't stand it.

Chris’s mother leaves Cassie.

CASSIE: No, don't go! Chris!

She runs inside the house and she hears Chris crying. She goes out to smoke.



Then, she comes back home and she reads a book on the bed. Chris comes in the room.

CHRIS: Ay-up.

CASSIE: When's Jal getting back?

CHRIS: Tomorrow. She said she wants me to think about things.

CASSIE: You could make her change her mind if you wanted to.

CHRIS: Listen, Cass. When a woman of that caliber is prepared to get her tits out for you, you don't mess it up on purpose.

CASSIE: Ah, romantic.

CHRIS: Ta. I fucking love her. That's it. Anyway. You went to make tea six hours ago.

CASSIE: Oh! Yes I got the milk.

She stands up and goes make some tea. At the doorstep she turns around.

CASSIE: I was talking to, to someone outside.

CHRIS: Yeah, well, that's all very interesting, but it's not gonna make my tea, is it? And girls who won't make my tea do not ever get to see my cock again, and that is what you call social deprivation.

Cassie goes back on her bed, to fight gently with Chris.

CASSIE: You cheeky, sexist fucker!

CHRIS: I am, I'm a sexy fucker!

CASSIE: Yeah? Well, I'm gonna wash your big fucking mouth out!

CHRIS: Ah! Jesus Christ!

CASSIE :Oh, my god!

CHRIS: Christ!

CASSIE: Fuck! Chris, I forgot! Jesus! Is it OK?

CHRIS, standing up: Oh, yes!

CASSIE: Shit! You bastard!

CHRIS: And, I'm still awaiting my tea, Wenchy.

CASSIE: Wenchy?

CHRIS: Yeah. Wennchy Foozy-Moo.



Cassie and Chris are on the sofa, watching TV.

CASSIE: You were right about Adam Sandler. He is quite sweet if you keep the sound down.

CHRIS: Nah, yeah, he's cool Look. He's gonna piss on himself again!

CASSIE, standing up: Oh! Forgot I got something for you.

CHRIS: Yeah?

CASSIE: Stole it on Park Street.

CHRIS: Smart. You were gonna tell me who you were talking to outside. Cass? (he turns around). Oh, cool! Oh, man! Fucking A, man!

CASSIE: Chris, I've been thinking about secrets.

CHRIS: Here comes the Monkey Man!

CASSIE: Sometimes you have to keep them. In case someone got hurt.

CHRIS: Oh, I can't wait to show this to, um. Show it to, um Cass? (he seats). Show it to, um my girlfriend, what's her name?

CASSIE: Don't be stupid!

CHRIS: Spliff, I I feel a bit Shit.

Chris goes in his room and stretches on his bed.

CASSIE: Chris? Chris, you OK?

She goes in her room, searching her phone.

CASSIE: Come on! Fuck! Come on! Help! Please help. He needs help! Number 4 Lewis Gate block! They're coming, Chris!

She turns back to Chris’s room. She holds his head.

CHRIS: Got it Jal got it.

Cassie puts some clothes in a bag. She leaves the house. Next, we see her, walking in the street.

TAXI-DRIVER: Where you headin'? Where you headin'?

CASSIE: I don't know Somewhere nice.


EARL: Yeah?

TAXI-DRIVER: The lady wants to go someplace nice, man.

EARL: Tell her to get the fuck out of this neighborhood!

Cassie goes in a car. She is now in the United States

CASSIE: Thank you, Frank.

FRANK: Where are you going now?

CASSIE: I haven't decided.

FRANK: Well, decide to eat. You gotta eat. Here. Look up there on the right. Martha serves chilli on Tuesdays, blow your balls off! Yeah.

Cassie kisses Frank.

FRANK: Hey, what the fuck you looking at, man?



Cassie is sitting at a table when a boy arrives.

BOY: You should eat that. It's good.

CASSIE: I think I'm hungry, but then I'm not.

BOY: Tell you what. Skip it.

They leave the restaurant.



CASSIE: This is so, it’s nice of you.

BOY: Sure it is.

They come in the house.



BOY: I take all this leftover food after my shift. Nobody wants it. Guess they know I'm from Iowa.

CASSIE: Where's that?

BOY: Over there. About a thousand miles.


BOY: Boy, you're raw, aren't you?

CASSIE: Tired, mainly. Just tired.

BOY: The bed's through there. Hey, be my guest. I'm wired after work.

While she changes, she sees pictures on the office and the wall. Then, it’s night, she is sleeping. She wakes up.

BOY: Hey. You found the shower. I just got back.


BOY: Hope you don't mind but, you've been sleeping for two days and I usually try to do…

CASSIE:…Two days? Where did you?

BOY: Couch. Anyway, I'll…

CASSIE: No, it's OK. Please.

BOY: Well, I just got to fix these pictures up a little, then…

CASSIE: Did you tell me your name?

BOY: Yeah, couple of times. It's Adam. And you're Cassie.

CASSIE: Hi. Again.


CASSIE: The pictures. Does anyone see them?

ADAM: No way. I'm just your New York cliché. Waiting, waiting.

CASSIE: Who's that in the photos?

ADAM: She takes a good picture.

CASSIE: Is she your girlfriend?

ADAM: For a while, um But she's, er she's gone now.


ADAM: Yeah?

CASSIE: I don't really want to fuck you, if that's OK.

ADAM: I didn't say…

CASSIE: I thought you'd…

ADAM: No, you needed somewhere to sleep, right?


ADAM: So, it's cool. Stay here as long as you want. Till whatever's going down is over.

CASSIE: It won't ever be over.

ADAM: Yes, it will. Do you like to dance?

CASSIE: It's two in the morning.

ADAM: You guys don't go out in England?

They go to a party.

ADAM: Come on!

CASSIE: I don't think I can.

They dance. Adam takes her but Cassie starts to scream.

CASSIE: No. No! Put me down! Don't! Get out of my way!

She runs out the party. She seats somewhere and Adam joins her.

ADAM: Boy, you can run 

CASSIE: I'm fucked up.

ADAM: Yeah.

CASSIE: I ran away.


CASSIE: I thought Americans didn't do irony.

ADAM: It's Manhattan. It's different.

CASSIE: Don't you want to know what I did?

ADAM: Would it change anything?


ADAM: So, Let's go.

CASSIE: Do they have boats on this river?


CASSIE: There! You did it again!

Adam kisses her. They return back home.



During the night, she reverts pictures of his girlfriend.

CASSIE: Don't worry. He's OK. I won't touch.

When she wakes up, Cassie discovers an apple on a letter.

ADAM: Dear Cassie, I went away for a while. Get some snaps. Stay here for as long as you want. It was nice knowing you. Adam.

She eats the apple. She cries. The next day, she runs on the street.


* * * * * * * * * * * End of the episode * * * * * * * * * *

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Superman Legacy : Nicholas Hoult incarnera Lex Luthor
S'il avait à l'origine auditionné pour le rôle phare de Superman dans le nouveau Superman Legacy,...


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ShanInXYZ, 04.05.2024 à 18:09

Doctor Who ? C'est le nouveau jeu du quartier, un docteur à retrouver, à vous de jouer

choup37, 04.05.2024 à 21:22

Nouveau design sur Kaamelott, on attend vos avis

langedu74, 06.05.2024 à 21:15

Hello ! Une nouvelle session du ciné-émojis vient d'être lancée, rendez-vous sur HypnoClap pour deviner le film

Sonmi451, Avant-hier à 13:33

Nouveau design' dans Gilmore Girls, hésitez pas à donner votre avis!

CastleBeck, Hier à 23:08

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